NPA-NEMR congratulates the CPP on its 52nd anniversary


Read in: Bisaya

The Regional Operational Command-New People’s Army in NorthEastern Mindanao Region (ROC-NPA-NEMR) renders its red greetings to the entire organization of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) in NEMR and the country on its 52nd year of re-establishment.

For more than five (5) decades, the CPP’s correct leadership of the people’s Army that is the NPA, has been proven. No regime since the dictator Marcos until executioner Duterte achieved their desire of annihilating the CPP, NPA, NDFP or the entire revolutionary movement. It went through many trials and challenges, highs and lows, errors in its line and weaknesses in different aspects, but the CPP continued to advance.

This 2020 we faced considerable challenges in advancing the National Democratic Revolution (NDR) to a higher level. We undertook numerous tasks amidst the COVID 19 pandemic which hampered our actions.

Bu the sustained military operations of the fascist US-Duterte regime/AFP/PNP set aside the COVID19 pandemic and went berserk in committing inhumane acts to destroy the entire revolutionary forces in NEMR and nationwide.

Despite such conditions, the AFP/PNP failed in their objectives, the NPA-NEMR continue to maintain military initiative. It launched ten (10) strikes that confiscated firearms that would form one (1) platoon. These will further strengthen the people’s Army in the region. Around ninety eight (98) crippling actions were launched against operating military troops and punish those with blood debts to the people. Around seventy six (76) AFP/PNP troops were killed and wounded, equivalent to one (1) undersized company damaged or destroyed by the one hundred and eight (108) total number of NPA attacks against the AFP/PNP forces.

There were many news on several surrenders to deceive the public that the foundation of the armed struggle in the countryside have been destroyed, but in truth most of them are recycled surrenderers. There were those killed by the AFP/PNP for the sole reason of having children who are members of the NPA or Party cadres, in the false belief of weakening the entire organization.

While it is true that it affected comrades whose commitment have been deteriorating for different reasons, they are but few and will not destroy the organization. Losing those whose commitment have been shaken can be considered to have strengthened further the organization because it unburdened baggages as it continue to develop.

The mercenary US-Duterte regime/AFP/PNP utilized their modern equipment such as using aerial assets (bomber) which initially seemed to annihilate NPA formations. But it has a significant weakness as it is loud when attacking, thus, as long as military discipline is maintained and principles of guerilla warfare are followed, their indiscriminate bombing becomes ineffective. This year, around ten (10) aerial bombings and artillery firing were launched in NEMR, but there were only two (2) incidents that struck Comrades, in fact, four (4) of the bombings targeted abandoned temporary camps. They only wasted the people’s money. Furthermore, they damaged the environment with their indiscriminate bombings.

Overall, the fascist US-Duterte regime/AFP/PNP failed to destroy the revolutionary movement in NEMR and the entire country. It merely broadcasted that many surrendered, were arrested and killed the elderly and sick cadres of the NPA, Party and NDFP who could no longer fight back.

In 2021 we must be more creative in our efforts and we should have more initiative to advance the NDR, especially mobilizing bigger numbers and larger masses of the people for armed struggle. We should also organize and mobilize the masses of people to overthrow the executioner Duterte from power.

Long live the CPP on the 52nd anniversary of its re-establishment!
Participate in the NDR and join the people’s armed struggle!

NPA-NEMR congratulates the CPP on its 52nd anniversary