Recently recorded human rights violations under the current regime

Human Rights Index
Links to updates, documents, articles, statements and other materials within the PRWC pertaining to human rights advocacy and the fight against human rights violations

CARHIHL Document
The Comprehensive Agreement for the Respect of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in its entirety with related links

"It is the Party's urgent task to lead the broad masses of the people to struggle against their intense bondage, fascist terrorism and foreign military intervention. We must steadfastly lead the struggle of the masses who have long been bled dry and oppressed, in order to defend their democratic rights and welfare and to make the fascist puppet regime as well as its imperialist master pay dearly. We must firmly link the struggle against fascism with the struggles against foreign and military intervention. We must form the broadest and strongest movement and united front to overthrow the puppet and fascist US-Arroyo regime and uphold national freedom and democracy."

-- Oppose the state's fascist terrorism!
Central Committee
Executive Committee
Communist Party of the Philippines

Human Rights Index

A dated listing of various materials related
to the revolutionary movement's advocacy of human rights
in line with the struggle for a just and lasting peace

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