Arroyo�s Executive Order 420: a prescription for political persecution
Rubi Del Mundo Spokesperson National Democratic Front-Southern Mindanao
April 25, 2005
The National Democratic Front Southern Mindanao condemns the Arroyo regime�s recent machinations to push the National ID system.
Arroyo�s hurried and underhand moves to push the National ID system through Executive Order 420 is in compliance with the US-dictated schemes of anti-people measures packaged in its National Internal Security Plan (NISP).
Arroyo�s National ID system is simply another intelligence operation that will allow wide leverage for military and police elements to carry out anti-democratic and counter-revolutionary campaigns of political repression masquerading as �Anti-Terrorism.�
The proposed National ID system is indeed a prescription of political persecution, no different from the previous regimes� attempts, such as the National Reference Card ID System of General Ramos.
It is part of the systematic campaign to silence all opposition, her political enemies, that include not only the ruling elites racing against each other for power, but also the revolutionary forces, the militant mass movement, the progressive groups and organizations in the media, law profession, church and academe who are openly going up against her anti-people policies.
Faced with an economy that is rapidly deteriorating, a situation of rising criminality and a legitimacy in office that is perpetually questioned, Arroyo is expectedly driven to muster all fascist instruments at her disposal to quell growing dissent and preserve herself in power. Apparently, she is desperate to keep together an already disintegrating regime.
The National ID system that Arroyo is adamant to implement, would be a convenient fascist tool that she can use to provide legal impunity to her attack dogs - the AFP, the PNP and their armed auxiliaries as they now assume expanded police powers to search and surveille those they position as �enemies of the state.�
Arroyo proves herself worse than Marcos. For even before she could revive these familiar draconian tactics, her human rights record is already peppered with increasing political killings among progressive leaders.
The National Democratic Front Southern Mindanao calls on the people to rise against the maneuvers of this fascist regime. Arroyo should not be allowed to throw this equally devious version of a legal cover upon her attack dogs!
Her regime will have to reckon with the people first who are well on their guard against attempts to suppress their nationalist and democratic aspirations!
For reference:
(Sgd) Rubi del Mundo Spokesperson
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