CPP condemns brutal dispersal of Plaza Miranda rally
Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal Spokesperson Communist Party of the Philippines
July 14, 2004
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) condemns in the strongest possible terms the Philippine National Police's brutal dispersal of a legitimate people's demonstation at Plaza Miranda yesterday. The groups were merely airing their criticism of the Arroyo regime's policy of total obedience to US aggression against Iraq and demanding the immediate withdrawal of the Philippine military contingent in Iraq to ensure the safe release of the Filipino hostage Angelo dela Cruz.
The whole country vividly witnessed on national television how the PNP viciously broke up a legitimate and peaceful demonstration at Plaza Miranda-the country's foremost historical "freedom plaza." The PNP even chased after the unarmed and defenseless demonstrators who were already fleeing the police's truncheons and water cannons. A number of demonstrators were seriously hurt, including Dr. Carol Araullo, an officer of the Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (BAYAN) and Plunder Watch, who sustained serious head injuries from truncheon blows.
The Arroyo regime desperately wants to silence all criticism against its support for the unjust US invasion and continued occupation of Iraq, and to muffle the people's widespread demand for the withdrawal of the Philippine contingent in Iraq. Despite the threat to the life of Angelo dela Cruz, Arroyo has dillydallied on the troops' withdrawal and the saving of the hostage's life.
Arroyo gives foremost consideration to her fealty to US President George W. Bush, further exposing herself as a true-blue puppet of US imperialism. At the same time, she trembles at the possibility of a massive surge of protest against her regime. The announcement about the so-called withdrawal of Filipino troops from Iraq was made to placate the people's anger yet was ambiguously worded to keep the regime's commitments to the US.
The violent dispersal of yesterday's demonstration at Plaza Miranda as well as other demonstrations these past months in Metro Manila, Cebu and elsewhere bare the dominance of a police-state mentality within the Arroyo government.
The patriotic and democratic forces and the entire people are not intimidated but have grown more indignant. They feel more compelled to resist the Arroyo regime's fascist brutality and slavish puppetry. This regime's deranged policy of violently suppressing the people's democratic rights of expression and assembly can only lead to bigger and stiffer resistance from the people.
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