The AFP and PNP have sinister motives in falsely accusing the NPA for the bombing of the Makati Shell House
Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal Spokesperson Communist Party of the Philippines
April 20, 2004
The Communist Party of the Philippines condemns government military and police officials for sinister motives in falsely and unjustly accusing the New People's Army for the bombing of the Shell office in Makati in the early morning of April 18.
Military operations of the NPA are launched against military targets and not against civilian targets. The unscrupulous incessant increases in oil prices by the oil monopolies and their insatiable greed for superprofits are objects of mass struggles and other forms of street and parliamentary actions of the democratic forces and the people, and not objects of armed struggle.
It is highly suspicious that the Philippine media and international wire services were already saturated with uniform press releases, obviously from the Armed Forces of the Philippines, just a few moments after the incident.
It is also curious why the AFP, followed suit by the Philippine National Police, insists on accusing the NPA despite their having yet to conduct a material investigation into the matter. PNP Southern Police District Director Supt. Prospero Noble's "leap of logic" is perflexing, convinced as he has always been that the NPA did it "because only the NPA could do it." Worth noting is Makati City Mayor Jejomar Binay's reproach of the AFP and PNP for their rush judgement of the CPP-NPA's alleged hand in the bombing, pointing out that "police should not close the door to the possible involvement of other groups, which intend to exploit the existing politically charged atmosphere to advance their agenda."
But the culprits in the Shell bombing could only have come from the real perpetrators of terrorism in the country. They could very well have been covert operatives of the AFP, which always tries to use such incidents to slander the NPA, heighten its counter-revolutionary war in the name of anti-terrorism, and intensify its repression of the people. Or certain reactionary forces who wish to foment disorder to advance their malevolent schemes to take advantage of the predictable indeterminateness of the imminent elections.
Comes now a new twist in the PNP's "investigation" after our immediate vehement denial of responsibility for it. The PNP has now decided that it is the renegade RPA-ABB that actually bombed the Shell office.
Whoever carried out the bombing of the Shell office, the AFP-PNP and other fascist forces are the ones ultimately benefitting from it by having another convenient pretext to hype the "terrorist syndrome" and implement more and more restrictions on the people's civil liberties, especially in Metro Manila, and particularly against Moro communities, and progressive and democratic mass organizations.
In blaming the NPA at first for the bombing, the AFP was also trying to make up its own argument to undermine the peace talks and scuttle the implementation of the GRP-NDF human rights agreement. The AFP leadership has always remained obstinate against the peace talks and the human rights agreement.
The people should be forewarned against the AFP and PNP's insidiously expoliting the incident and other similar acts to justify their meddling into the brewing national turmoil against massive electoral fraud and the likely failure of the May 10 elections. The AFP and PNP have said recently that they are even now already bracing for expected "post-election troubles."
We call on the Filipino people to vigorously and militantly defend their democratic rights and resist any attempt at further restrictions of their civil liberties and all acts of repression by the reactionary state, as well as all other schemes of the reactionary puppets and their US imperialist overlords to further their exploitation and oppression of the Filipino people. ###
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