NDF condemns lifting of logban in Caraga, Southern Mindanao
Rubi Del Mundo Spokesperson National Democratic Front-Southern Mindanao
March 10, 2005
The National Democratic Front Southern Mindanao condemns the treacherous lifting of the total log ban in Caraga and Southern Mindanao regions by the Arroyo regime. As expected, the latter has underhandedly succumbed to pressures from big bourgeois capitalists to scrape the bottom in allowing the large-scale logging in the remaining forest covers in the country.
The lifting of the logging ban spells graver disaster for hundreds of thousands of farmers and Lumads who live in the Caraga ranges (remaining forested boundary areas of Southern Mindanao and Caraga regions). As it is right now, the logging companies like Picop, are exploiting the remaining forests in Bagangga, Cateel, Boston and Lingig towns. These companies have in their employ fascist Special Forces of the AFP and paramilitary Cafgus who wantonly conduct strike and psywar operations against hapless civilians.
Millions of Filipino people stand to be victimized in the environmental catastrophe that will result in the unrestricted forest denudation by logging compradors. Clearly, the Arroyo regime�s anti-logging stance three months ago was a fake and only for a show in the wake of the Quezon floods and massive public outcry against unabated logging in the country.
Arroyo�s justifications-�that selective logging will minimize illegal logging and in response to the clamor of thousands of families who rely on logging-�are feeble attempts to disguise its basic anti-people policy towards environment. It considers premium bourgeois capitalist extraction of the country�s forest over and above the preservation of the national patrimony and advancing the interest of the Filipino masses.
The poor Filipino and Lumad woodcutters will not be protected nor will they benefit with the renewed commercial logging in the region. History has shown how they were duped, terrorized and dislocated with the entry of companies like Alcantara & Sons and Picop and company-sized military operations.
Unlike the reactionary Arroyo regime, the people�s democratic government remains steadfast and committed in preserving and enabling the country�s forests and environment to truly address the needs of the majority oppressed Filipino masses.#
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