Oppose the media gag! Oppose the US-Arroyo regime's terrorism and steps towards open fascist rule!
Communist Party of the Philippines
March 08, 2005
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) enjoins all democracy-loving Filipinos to stand up and defend our civil and political rights. The CPP calls on media groups, sectorial organizations, human rights advocates and civic associations to vigorously oppose the proposal to ban media interviews of anti-government forces.
Such a proposal is a direct affront to the people's democratic rights.
In pushing for such a curtailment of media freedom, the fascist-minded Arroyo regime and its lapdogs in the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) have exposed their devious martial law mindset. They use the so-called "war against terror" as a thinly veiled pretext for the imposition of a Marcosian policy against the freedom of the press.
The proposed ban against giving air time and print space to the revolutionary movement is, in fact, a formalization of the long-standing practice of the AFP and Malaca�ang officials to pressure and threaten media outlets against interviewing representatives of the CPP, NPA and NDF.
For many years, broadcasters and print journalists have often been "reminded" by Malaca�ang and the AFP about allowing CPP spokesman Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal and other representatives of the revolutionary movement to express their views on air or in print.
Fortunately, Filipino media practitioners, who know the value of their freedom, having fought martial law, have time and again stood firm against the government pressure. Through their commitment, Ka Roger's statements continue to be given a fair amount of air time and print space--to the complete displeasure of Arroyo and the AFP.
Through the representatives of the revolutionary movement, the lies of Arroyo and the AFP are debunked. The subservience of the Arroyo regime to the US government and its acquiesence to US military intervention are condemned. The policies of privatization and liberalization are opposed. Information concerning the real situation of workers and peasants are revealed. Violations of human rights by the military and police are exposed.
Above all, Arroyo and the AFP are totally displeased that access to the media by representatives of the revolutionary and progressive organizations are used to call on the people to wage struggles to defend their rights and fight for national democracy. Arroyo is disgruntled that the victories of the revolutionary movement that benefit the people are broadcasted and propagated.
They cry "subversion!" to threaten the media for allowing the representatives of the revolutionary movement to call on the Filipino people to fight and end the puppet, corrupt and militarist Arroyo regime.
The Arroyo regime has completely abused and twisted the definition of the term "terrorist," lumping together the revolutionary and progressive forces with the AFP-linked Abu Sayyaf group. It has arbitrarily and recklessly employed the term "terrorist" in the hope of justifying the curtailment of the Filipino people's basic civil and political rights.
The Arroyo regime is pushing hard for the Anti-Terrorism Bill which will explicitly restrict and curtail the Filipino people's civil and political rights in the name of the "war against terror." If enacted, the Anti-Terrorism Bill will only embolden the Arroyo regime to escalate its acts of state terrorism. If enacted, the Anti-terrorism bill only embolden the imperialist US government to escalate its military intervention in the Philippines.
In the face of the all-sided effort to impose martial law policies through the Anti-Terrorism Bill, the CPP urges the Filipino people to carry out all-out resistance. Oppose the escalation of fascist attacks by the Arroyo regime! Oppose the media gag!
As the Arroyo regime escalates its fascist attacks, it is teaching the Filipino people a very valuable lesson: That the only way for them to effectively struggle for their national and democratic interests is to rise up in arms against the puppet, corrupt and militarist Arroyo government.
In the face of the Arroyo regime's moves towards more open fascist rule, the New People's Army (NPA) will vigorously push forward the revolutionary armed struggle and launch more armed offensives against the AFP and PNP. In doing so, it will help frustrate the Arroyo government's efforts to trample on the people's rights, weaken Arroyo's rule and contribute to the overthrow of the Arroyo government at the soonest possible time.
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