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ANTI-TERRORISM BILL AND NATIONAL ID SYSTEM cannot suppress the upsurge of the peoples� STRUGGLE

Maria Malaya
NDF-Amihanan Sidlakang Mindanao
(Northeastern Mindanao)
February 21, 2005

The US-GMA regime has revived the Anti-Terrorism Bill and the National ID System to legalize the worsening repression and oppression of the Filipino masses� struggle. Above all, this will be used as an instrument of annihilation against the ever growing Filipino revolution.

The US-Arroyo regime has perhaps forgotten that no law of any reactionary government can prevent the upsurge of the revolution. The oppressed people once awakened to revolutionary transformation cannot be suppressed. Like the victory of the socialist revolution in Russia and the democratic revolutions of China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba and many others, revolutionary victory is most feared by the imperialists and the ruling class.

The Anti-Terrorism Bill, Mrs. Arroyo asserts, will suppress terrorism and prevent the bombings in the Philippines. But, how can the bombings be stopped when this is initiated by the US imperialist Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and some elements of the AFP-GRP? It was the CIA who trained the Abu Sayyaf-Janjalani group. Michael Mering, a member of the US military was caught when the bomb he was making detonated in Davao hotel. To prevent this from being exposed, Mering was immediately taken from the Davao hospital by the Federal Bureu of Investigation (FBI) and brought to the US. Until present time, he has not been made to face his court case in the Philippines.

On one hand, Osama Bin Laden is a CIA agent and was pointed to as the brains behind the renowned September 11, 2003 bombing. Just recently, he was seen receiving medical treatment in a US hospital run by the CIA. During said time, US President Bush was in the city where said hospital was located. Was the presence of the two in the same city just coincidence? Why was Bin Laden not arrested?

Initiating terrorist chaos is an old and customary tactic of the US imperialist in collaboration with the military and their most trusted puppet government like the Arroyo regime, to justify intervention.

The CIA has just been waiting for the right time and for a group to lay blame on of their cruel bombings. They timed the bombings in February 14 with the eruption of the �redo� in Sulu against the AFP forces. In a statement issued by the Muslim group, the attack was set off by the masaccre of a Muslim family by the AFP. They called the action a �redo� which is an act done to match the offense done to kinsmen. In Muslim tradition, after matching up the harm done against them, patching of differences will commence. This should be respected. Because the Arroyo regime discriminates against them, it was then easy to call them terrorists, renegades and accuse of the bombings.

On the other hand, the Abu Sayyaf has owned up to the bombings, but why has there been no arrests of members? It would have been so easy to trace them through the cellphone used by the person who owned up to the bombing.

So what really is the actual intent of the Anti-Terrorism Bill and the National ID System? There is no other intent but the further suppression of the growing Filipino revolution. These laws if implemented, are but additional burdens to the Filipino people who has long been suffering.

Stop the cruel bombings!
Reveal and punish the true criminals!
Oppose the Anti-Terrorism Bill and the National ID System!
Advance the Peoples� War!

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