US: The Number One threat to world peace
Cesar Renerio Spokesperson NDF-North Central Mindanao
February 20, 2005
If it can't be stopped then humanity is heading to extinction. The Pentagon is eager in "retooling existing warheads into atomic sledgehammers capable of destroying bunkers beneath 300 meters of rock and designing new minisize nukes ideal for targetting stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons." Bush has convinced the House and Senate Armed Services Committee to lift the prohibition on minisize nukes so it could penetrate what it calls HDBT----hard and deeply buried targets like bunkers beneath 300 meters.
Accordingg to Time magazine the US' current nuclear arsenal consists largely of mammoth city-blasters that can't burrow underground. In fact the atomic bomb the US dropped at Hiroshima is only 15 kilotons and yet the damage it has caused is beyond imagining. Compared to the present Trident II missile warhead which is 475 kilotons, with each missile carrying eight warheads, the Hiroshima bomb dwarfed by comparison. Thus unleashing this deadly nukes is both destructive to both the attacked and the attacker. Thus its enemies "calculate" that the US nuclear weapons are paper tigers because of its internecine effect.
And what about a minisize nukes? According to American nuclear scientist Sidney Drell "even a tiny 1-kiloton weapon exploding 15 meters deep in rock would spew radioactivity across a wide swath of the planet." So if Bush's plan gets materialized, it would scuttle efforts to stop world wide proliferation of nuclear weapons. More so if it starts selling its minisize nukes to its endeared puppet or ally considering that it is the production of arms is what makes the US industries alive. This way it is affordable to its client countries compared to giant nukes. Just like coffee in sachets compared to hundred-grams-size-packs!
The plan boomeranged on the US' widely proclaimed intention: that it wants to halt the spread of nuclear weapons and yet it wants to produce many minisize nukes for its own so it could use it ordinarily in conventional warfare. "This administration is moving toward a military posture in which nuclear weapons are considered just like any other weapons," said US Senator Dianne Feinstein. This is the surefire formula for humanity's extinction!
The rationale behind why it is impulsive to build minisize nukes is to use it against North Korea and Iran---- its archetype of "axis of evil." It cannot use its Trident II because the US would not be spared to its deadly effect. So back again to its rationale in colonizing and occupying Iraq-----that Iran and North Korea are assembling their own weapons of mass destruction? Again? And if it can't find any the US has a ready made fallback settling to its favorite tenor again: that it wants to "liberate the people of said countries from tyrannical rule?" Ha, ha! What a ridiculous reason!
Let's all wake up. The US made us stand on our head. It only considers itself as the only gifted, intelligent, wise and smart people. The rest of the world are mere bunch of morons. We are made to dance on their palms and we meekly do it because we are terrified of their naked power. What the US wants the US gets. Might is right.
Who's the real terrorist? Countries that do not bombed and colonized other countries? Or the US who in just more than a year (1998-1999) bombed four countries, launched more or less a hundred aggressive wars and killed more than 12,000,000 people since 1900?
Who's the real tyrant? Countries who readily submits the collective wisdom of the UN? Or the US who refuses to recognize the International Criminal Court, snubbed the Kyoto Protocol, went on with its unilateral decision to attack and colonize Iraq and passed the Patriot Act suppressing its own people?
The US is becoming paranoid. It sees in every country having divergent views as possessing "weapons of mass destruction and a terrorist". Viewed from this angle, its war on terror will never end because contrary to its belief, in the eyes of many countries, the US is the number one terrorist. The influential scholar Samuel Huntington, in writing for the renown journal Foreign Affairs (which he edits), states that "in the eyes of much of the world (probably most of the world), the U.S. is becoming the rogue superpower and is considered the single greatest external threat to their societies (see Foreign Affairs, May 1999).
Better for the US if it sincerely wants to stop terrorism is to address the root cause of terrorism. Its war on terror which is the physical extermination of "terrorists" is like trying to prune the branches of a tree but leaving the roots intact. It had not finished cutting off other branches that the first branch it chopped has developed protruding buds and so the cycle goes on without end.
Exploitation and oppression breeds insurgency and "terrorism." These are the reasons why the US begets so many enemies. If the US doesn't stop exploiting other countries'natural resources expect the people of this country to rise up. If the US doesn't stop interfering and imposing its will on other countries through unequal and lopsided treaties expect the people of these countries to fight back. If the US doesn't stop launching direct aggression to weak and impoverished countries then expect the people of this countries to rise up in gigantic super people power. And the US calls this "terrorism?" Only the US and few of its allies then "are not terrorists?"
No interference. No exploitation. No oppression. Let nations carve their own destiny. Let nations pursue and carry out their rights to self-determination. Free from exploitation. Free from oppression. Free from intervention. Then we can expect "terrorism" to just wither away.
Ka. CESAR RENERIO Spokesperson NDF-North Central Mindanao
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