Gallery of Heroes and Martyrs

Caleb "Ka Che" Delfin

Caleb Delfin, also known as Ka Che/Robert to NPA comrades and the masses, was born in Abra de Ilog, Occidental Mindoro on July 16, 1964. He is the fifth among the seven siblings. He studied in Abra de Ilog Central Elementary School, went to San Rafael High School and entered Philippine Christian University (PCU) where he took Bachelor of Arts major in Political Science.

He belongs to a very religious and progressive family. He grew up progressively under the guidance of his parents especially his father who is a pastor of United Church of Christ of the Philippines. Ka Che was an active member of Christian Youth Fellowship. He also devoted time helping the Mangyans in Mindoro fight for their ancentral land.

During his college days, he was an active member of the progressive Samahan ng Kabataang Mindoreño (SKM) - Manila Chapter and League of Filipino Students in PCU. He actively participated in the activities of the said groups -- attending rallies and demonstrations, organizing fora for the propagation of Mangyan issues, and recruiting Manila-based Mindoreños to join SKM among others. Even at home, during summer vacation, he took time organizing his younger brother by convincing the latter to read books written by Chairman Mao Zedong, Che Guevarra and Amado Hernandez.

The Mendiola Massacre that happened on January 22, 1987 was the turning point for Ka Che to went underground and join the New People's Army in Mindoro. Because of his dedication to revolutionary work in the countryside, he quickly became part of the party collective manning the comprehensive work of the Sandatahang Yunit Pamproganda (SYP - Armed Propaganda Unit), wherein he was also the squad leader, under the Felizardo Aqunio District (one of the guerrilla fronts under the Lucio de Guzman Command - NPA-Mindoro) operating in Roxas, Mansalay and Bulalacao, all in Oriental Mindoro.

Hs is well-loved by NPA comrades and the masses alike in Mindoro. He is a jolly person who plays guitar and sings well also. He is a comprehensive Party cadre and a potential military cadre.

His fate was curtailed by enemy forces in an encounter somewhere in Waygan, Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro on August 1989. Because Ka Che was so popular then in his area, his corpse was left for three days under the sun, butchered and fed to the dogs when the enemy knew it was Ka Che's body.

Just like the other fallen comrades who devoted their lives to the armed struggle, Ka Che's life is an inspiration to the Filipino youth and the people as a whole. His courage and idealism will always be remembered and will continue to bring about changes. His heroism and martyrdom will be forever written in the pages of the protracted people's war.

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