May 20, 2004

Victim: Paulo "Alot" Tejeno, 54 years old, married with children. Resident of sityo Libas, Barangay San Vicente. Killed on April 25, 2004.

The Perpetrators:

  1. Cenon "Mr. Swabe" Tejeno, armed with .45 caliber pistol
  2. Hermen "Boyet" Valiente, armed with 12-gauge shotgun
  3. Eugene "Ogie" Vivar, armed with .357 pistol
  4. Jessie Tayaktak, armed with calibre .9mm pistol
On the morning of April 25, a Sunday, the victim went together with his wife to Kulisan to sell and weigh their ube [yam]. Upon arriving at the weighing station, the owner said that their yam will be weighed tomorrow instead. After which, the victim played a card game called tong-it. Shortly after, Cenon, Hermen, Eugene and Jessie arrived at the place of the card game and immediately surrounded the victim, looking at him without uttering a word. Not long after, the four men left about 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon going upwards the mountain. When the four men passed by the house of Ugoy they said that they have a chicken to butcher.

When it was already 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon, more or less, the victim and his wife went upwards the mountain for home with a fish that they bought. Upon passing the house of Ugoy, they were told by Ugoy that Cenon and his group went upwards, saying that they have a chicken to kill. After which Ugoy warned the victim to "take care of yourself" for you might be ambushed. "Why should I be afraid I did not do anything wrong to them," the victim answered. The couple continued walking. When they were at a point where the mountain is sloping, Cenon and Boyet suddenly appeared and fired their .45 caliber and 12-gauge shotgun at Alot, the victim, who immediately told his wife to duck. When the victim turned around as if to make a run, the four men simultaneously fired at him using a .45 caliber, .a 9mm pistol, .a 357 pistol and a 12-gauge shotgun. When the wife saw the prostrate body of Alot, she shouted, "Why did you shoot him, he did not do anything wrong to you." The four did not say anything and left. The wife went home to fetch her children to retrieve the corpse.

The victim sustained seven gunshot wounds. The weapons used were:
  • a. Cenon "Mr. Swabe" Tejeno, armed with .45 caliber pistol
  • b. Hermen "Boyet" Valiente, armed with 12-gauge shotgun
  • c. Eugene "Ogie" Vivar, armed with .357 pistol
  • d. Jessie Tayaktak, armed with calibre .9mm pistol
The possible reasons for the killing:
  • i. Anger at the victim because he had always been against the wishes of his brother, Pedro, to be a member of PEACE-BDP and take part in landgrabbing;
  • ii. Anger at the victim for telling his brother, Pedro, not to engage in theft, like cattle rustling;
  • iii. Accusation of Pedro that Paulo ordered the killing of Raymundo, another brother.
Demand of the Victim's Relatives:

Punish with death those who killed their father, especially Pedro Tejeno and Nelito "Nene" Tayaktak who both masterminded the killing and have an additional case of spying for the soldiers.

At present the four killers are not in the barangay. What the relatives know is that the killers are under the protection of PEACE-BDP.