#title:On the NPA raid in Tubo, Abra


On the NPA raid in Tubo, Abra

s to demonize and destroy the reputation of the NPA freedom fighters. In reality, the AFP and Cafgu are the ones who are using civilians as shields. The fact that they set up their detachment within the barrio proves this. They ride in passenger jeeps endangering the lives of civilians, they forcibly use civilians as guides during their military operations.

The military further claims that they never fired a single shot during the raid. This is a totally unbelievable lie. The firefight lasted for three hours.

The NPA is ironbound by the policy of not using civilians as shields. It strictly upholds the provisions of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Recognition of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL) signed by the government and the NDF in 1998. Our initial investigations show that the bullet that killed the councilwoman came from the direction of the AFP based on the bullet's trajectory and point of entry. If an impartial investigation by the Joint Monitoring Committee of the NDF and the government can prove that the NPA is culpable, the NPA will readily accept its responsibility and make amends.

The NPA wholeheartedly serves the masses. It is unthinkable for the NPA to harm the people whom it has vowed to serve. It defends the people against their enemies, including imperialist mines which grab ancestral lands and destroy the environment and livelihood of the people. The NPA fights for the people's rights and punishes the paid military forces of the government who are violating human rights.

An example of this is the victorious tactical offensive of the NPA in Balantoy, Balbalan, Kalinga last May 22, resulting in 3 KIA and 3 WIA on the side of the military, with no casualties on the side of the NPA. This was the NPA's response to the long-awaited demand of the people to exact justice for the savage attacks of the mercenary 21st IB on the people.

The revolutionary mass movement is not opposed to mining per se. It opposes destructive mining that profits only imperialists and comprador capitalists, leaving the people with nothing but denuded forests, eroded mountains, poisoned rivers, and a few coins for workers' wages. Clearly, the people will be at the losing end.

The victorious tactical offensives of the NPA indicate the advancing stage of the people's war. It demonstrates the people and the NPA's fearlessness, prowess, and readiness to fight the exploitative and oppressive ruling classes.

The CPDF thus salutes the Red commanders and fighters who scored more victories for the people's war, and acknowledges the help of the masses in ensuring the success of these battles. The US-Arroyo regime and its military forces can only expect more ruin and losses in their vain attempt to assault the national minorities of the and steal the people's land, life, and resources. #$$$$$