#title:Preserve the Gains of the Lepanto Strike @@@@@

Preserve the Gains of the Lepanto Strike

The Cordillera Peoples' Democratic Front salutes the victorious strike of the Lepanto Employees Union. After 100 days of intense struggle, the longest strike in Philippine mining history has highlighted the courage, ingenuity, and unity of the union men, their wives, their children, and the local communities.

This victory is resplendent with the many acts of individual and collective ardor. Now is the time to remember and honor those contributions – The brave stand of workers and their families against the constant violent assaults launched by the Philippine National Police and many other forms of inhuman treatment at the hands of Lepanto Consolidated Mining Corporation. The generosity of the neighboring communities and merchants in extending loans and credit to the workers and their families. The gracious material and moral support from many peasant and urban organizations in the region. Finally, the noble sacrifice of the 19 union officers who were forced to give up their jobs for the sake of hundreds of their fellow workers.

In this moment of triumph, let us not forget that LCMC had nothing but disdain for the striking workers, their families, and their struggles. LCMC exerted all efforts, both deceptive and violent, to quell the strike. It denied the workers access to food, credit, and health care facilities. It used legal trickery and harassment. It derisively referred to Igorots as "mga unggoy na patay gutom." It unleashed armed units of the PNP to brutally disperse the picket lines and AFP to lay under siege the entire immediate vicinity of Lepanto strike area. And in a final act of contempt, it terminated all the union officers. This last act serves two feeble purposes: to deprive the workers of valiant leaders, and to preempt future leaders from leading another strike.

Let us not forget the shameful act of those Cordillerans who betrayed their kailian for thirty pieces of silver. It is sickening that Igorot lawyers, politicians, bureaucrats, and military and PNP officers became willing tools in the oppression of their own tribesmen. It is disgraceful that those who drive around in comfort forsake their brothers in the muck.

The workers have won a battle in a continuing struggle. The concessions they have won would barely tide them through the ever-worsening economic crisis. In a few years time, they would have to negotiate higher wages again. LCMC will always try to peg down workers wages to maximize profits. Even today, LCMC is exerting efforts to ensure its victory at the next confrontation. The company is grooming up false union leaders to infiltrate the LEU and convert it into a yellow union that would bow to the wishes of the company. Local management is using technicalities to distort the memorandum of agreement that ended the strike. The workers, their families, and the local communities will have to consolidate their ranks for the struggles ahead.

LCMC has suffered a temporary setback. Soon enough, it can recover its losses, especially since the DENR has recently approved a number of Mineral Processing and Sharing Agreements allowing LCMC to expand operations to the municipalities of Tadian, Bauko and Bontoc in Mountain Province. The pillage of the people's resources will be relentless.

Despite the billions of pesos generated from the Cordillera region out from its natural wealth, it receives the lowest budget allocation from the government. Much of the income generated from the region goes to foreign and local capitalists as profits, and to corrupt bureaucrats as bribes. Meanwhile, the historical cycle of oppression and exploitation of workers and peasants by the ruling classes will continue.

Only the ardent fires of struggle will break this cycle. When the Filipino people are liberated from imperialist control, a backward feudal economy, and a corrupt government, only then will they truly reap the fruits of their own sweat and labor. Genuine national industrialization and land reform will be established upon the victory of the national democratic revolution waged by the New People's Army.

We call upon the LEU, their families, friends, and supporters who have witnessed and experienced firsthand the brutality of the State and the ruling classes to join the NPA and the armed struggle.#$$$$$