#title:CPDF commends LPC on ambush of the 54th Infantry Battalion @@@@@

CPDF commends LPC on ambush of the 54th Infantry Battalion

The Cordillera Peoples’ Democratic Front (CPDF) commends and salutes the commanders and Red fighters of the Leonardo Pacsi Command (NPA Mountain Province) for their successful tactical offensive against the fascist troops of the US-Arroyo regime.

A unit of the LPC ambushed a unit of the 54th Infantry Battalion at Sitio Pegew, Tetep-an Sur, Sagada, Mountain Province on the midnight of March 10, 2006. The ambushed army troopers were part of a 180-man contingent conducting military operations in the northern barrios of Sagada. Three army troopers were seriously wounded (Lt. Inteng, PFC Frans Sambrano, and PFC Reynald Nanglihan). Preliminary reports state that the three eventually died.

The tactical offensive was meant to punish the troopers who earlier on March 3, 2006 conducted military operations in barangay Mainit and prevented villagers from going to work in their payaw, pocket mines, and communal pasturelands. The villagers reported that their packed lunches were confiscated by the military. All passersby were stopped, interrogated and accused as NPA supporters. On same date, a large number of military troops also entered barangay Gutang, Bauko and sitio Pakad, Bugang, Sagada. Gardeners were stopped, interrogated, and summarily accused as NPA supporters.

The towns of Bauko and Mainit, Bontoc were part of the areas earlier reported as included in the application of Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company’s expansion. The 54th IB, together with the PNP, is also responsible for the harassment and violent dispersal of striking workers and their families in Lepanto last year.

On February 10, the Jennifer Maria Cariño Command also meted out punishment on the 54th IB by successfully raiding its detachment in Mankayan. The fascist military troops loyal to the Arroyo regime shall expect more offensives from all NPA units in the Cordillera.

The CPDF calls and enjoins all people who aspire for self-determination and equality, to unite with the rest of the Filipino people and wage a resolute fight, engage in all forms of struggle (armed and unarmed, legal and illegal, open and secret) to bring about the end of this despicable and fascist Arroyo regime. #$$$$$