#title:A Web of Lies

A Web of Lies


Lt. Gen. Maclang and his parrots alleged that I made a statement published in national dailies claiming that guerilla fronts throughout the country increased from "100 to 230"! I never made such claim. But as Comrade Martin Montana had stated earlier, Lt. Gen. Maclang most definitely learned his arithmetic from the COMELEC. Obviously, simple math is a daunting task for Lt. Gen. Maclang and his sycophantic psywar propagandists.

Instead of wasting their time spinning a convoluted web of lies that will only embarrass them further, Lt. Gen. Maclang and his lackeys should ponder the current political crisis, rethink their loyalties and position, and follow the noble example of Jun Lozada by exposing the endemic corruption in the AFP. They can start by looking into how their Commander-in-Chief diverted funds for the housing program of AFP and PNP personnel to fund the anomalous ZTE-NBN project. They can also look into the recent multi-billion peso helicopter procurement scam among many others. The officers, men and women of the AFP should do well to withdraw their support for Gloria Arroyo. Or else, they can join the evil Gloria Arroyo on her pending trip to hell.

Oplan Bantay Laya II, touted by Arroyo and her doggy generals as their "end-game strategy" against the revolutionary movement, will surely fail. It will be defeated by the well-disciplined and committed New People's Army, together with the entire Filipino people. The AFP is demoralized, factionalized, wracked by never-ending corruption, and incompetently led by an isolated and fake Commander-in-Chief and her mercenary generals. If there is an end-game strategy here, it is this – the Arroyo gang will be battered by one crisis after another until it is brought down by the revolutionary forces and the people. #

email at: kafiliw@gmail.com