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"AFP young officers' grievances legitimate"

Andres Guerrero II
National Spokesperson
Kabataang Makabayan
July 27, 2003

"Extremely rotten and decomposing." This was how the revolutionary Kabataang Makabayan (KM) defined the reactionary ruling system as shown in the event in Makati today.

Andres Guerrero II, national spokesperson of KM said, "The on-going action in Makati since dawn today clearly fortifies the rottenness of the ruling system under the Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo regime. The disclosures of the Magdalo group in its statement on video released to media early in the day simply reiterated what the revolutionary movement has disclosed long before, the hand of the regime in the bombings in certain parts of the country to justify its terrorism campaign as directed by the United States and the political motives of the Arroyo government to stay longer in power."

Guerrero II likewise expressed sympathy over the legitimate grievances of ordinary soldiers and young officers. The corruption of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) military high command and the Macapagal-Arroyo ruling clique only aggravates the mercenary tradition of the AFP. "The US-Arroyo ruling clique's running dogs in the military high command show no sympathy to the rank-and-file soldiers and other military personnel. The latter are being used as cannon fodders and being turned to mercenaries to suppress the revolutionary struggle of the people while they slobber over the resources at hand."

Guerrero warned that these legitimate demands of AFP's young officers are being taken advantage by a certain faction of the equally reactionary opposition headed by Honasan. "These young men with fresher minds should strive to analyze why the government is losing the war against the revolutionary armed groups. If they are sincerely pro-people, they should be imbued with the spirit of the Katipunan and the Philippine Revolution as their uniforms carry the Katipunan's initials."

"They should emulate the revolutionary martyr Lt. Crispin Tagamolila, a PMAer who joined the New People's Army in the 1970s, and embrace the revolutionary movement. It is right for our fellow youth in the military to call for the overthrow of the Arroyo ruling clique and the military high command headed by Defense Secretary Angelo Reyes. But they sure would be at the winning end if they would join the growing revolutionary youth and the people in advancing the Philippine revolution," Guerrero stated. ###

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