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Oppose and fight US imperialist terrorism and jingoism and the shameless puppetry of the Macapagal-Arroyo regime

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal
Communist Party of the Philippines
September 17, 2001

The Party firmly stands in its opposition and fight against US imperialist terrorism and jingoism. President George W. Bush has raised the banner of �war against terrorism� in order for the US to again let loose its own terrorist war that is bound to kill and inflict hardships on a far greater number of people and trample upon the sovereignty of the countries that are targets of its onslaught.

These past five decades, US terrorist aggressions upon various parts of the world, including its attack on Iraq in 1990, directly and indirectly resulted in the death of millions of people as a result of its bombings and squeeze upon centers of civilian population.

In a blind rush to retaliate, Bush continues to harangue and solicit international support for US aggression against Afghanistan, where Osama bin Laden is headquartered. The US government iws pinpointing bin Laden, a former stooge of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the rebellion against the Afghanistan government in the 1980s, as mastermind of the attacks on New York at Washington DC. The US also wants to exploit the situation in order to again attack Iraq. As part of preparations for war, Bush has positioned US warships on the Persian Gulf and has called 35,000 reservists into active service in the US Armed Forces.

The Party also condemns and fights the Macapagal-Arroyo regime�s slavish declaration of �all out support� for the militarism of US imperalism. Macapagal-Arroyo�s display of ardent and faithful puppetry to imperialism is shameless. The historical resistance of the Filipino people against US military bases in the country and their continueing struggle for national freedom are utterly disregarded.

Without even waiting to be asked, the regime has offered the former US military bases in Subic at Clark Field to again be used as launching pads for the imminent US war of aggression. Without batting an eyelash, the regime has also declared its �readiness� to send Filipino troops in support of the terrorist war being launched by the US.

The Party�s opposition and fight against US imperialist war of aggression against other countries proceeds from a national foreign policy that is founded on national sovereignty and independence and is in accordance with the five principles of coexistence: mutual respect for territorial integrity, mutual nonaggression, non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, equality and peaceful co-existence. The Party will resist violations of these principles, such as those currently being perpetrated by US imperialism and aped by the Macapagal- Arroyo regime.###

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