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    PilipinoEnglish BisayaIloko

On the inclusion of the NPA in the US� list of �terrorists�

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal
Communist Party of the Philippines
December 09, 2001

We are not in the least affected by whatever brand US imperialism chooses to stamp on the Party, NDFP and the New People�s Army. Indeed, US imperialism and the puppet government have long considered us terrorists. We neither expect nor desire�and in fact would all the more suspect�praise or fondness from US imperialism. In fact, to be most hated by US imperialism means that we are doing the correct thing. It also means that US imperialism fears us and has especially taken note of the growing strength of the revolutionary movement led by the Party and the rapid growth and string of successful tactical offensives of the NPA, so that it has now formally included the NPA in its new US Patriot Act Terrorism Exclusion List.

Nonetheless, we categorically state that the NPA is not a terrorist organization. It is a revolutionary army under the absolute leadership of the Communist Party and fights for the liberation of the Filipino people from the stranglehold of and exploitation by, US imperialism and its local lackeys. In fact, it is US imperialism which is the No. 1 terrorist in the world. US imperialism has links with and utilizes hundreds of terrorist organizations the world over.

We vehemently object to the malicious implications and dirty intentions behind the inclusion of the New People�s Army in the list. It is indicative of US imperialism�s flagrant intervention in the country�s internal affairs and its efforts to sabotage the progress of peace talks between the NDFP and the GRP. The US would like to use this to further justify its design to extend its �war against terrorism� directly against the NPA and the revolutionary movement led by the Party, restrain the puppet regime�s participation and put various other obstacles in the peace process. US intransigence in blocking the release of political prisoners, especially Donato Continente and Juanito Itaas is one such material obstacle.

That this was on the agenda of US Pres. George W. Bush with Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo during the latter�s recent visit to the US, already reveals US intervention and the puppet president�s compliance.

While this does not deter us from pursuing the peace process, whatever adverse consequence of such compliance and the implications that proceed from it would be the regime�s sole responsibility. Moreover, Macapagal-Arroyo would have to disregard her imperialist masters� determination of who comprise �terrorist� organizations and reject the inclusion of the NPA in the list if she wants to be consistent in her approach to the peace process with the revolutionary movement.###

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