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Condemn ang resist US armed intervention in the Philippines!

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal
Communist Party of the Philippines
January 26, 2002

The Communist Party of the Philippines strongly condemns the brazen intervention of US troops in the Philippines and the Macapagal-Arroyo regime�s shameless subservience to the US. Such intervention is a direct affront to national sovereignty and has perverted even the consitution and laws of the reactionary government.

Such premeditated and direct intervention portends more massive and more virulent forms of US military aggression. The US will not limit its armed intervention to Basilan and the Abu Sayyaf. Gen. Angelo Reyes has repeatedly declared that the New People�s Army and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines would come next as �live targets� of military operations masquerading as �military exercises�. US imperialism has merely utilized its extension of �training� and �advice� to the Armed Forces of the Philippines in the latter�s fight against the Abu Sayyaf to underhandedly put in place its armed intervention in the expanding and intensifying struggle between revolution and counterrevolution in the country.

The Party and the revolutionary forces remain undaunted with these measures taken by imperialists and militarists. The entire Party is determined to frustrate such moves and stands ready to lead the people in resisting US armed intervention in all fields and through all means. It is ready to make the Macapagal-Arroyo regime pay dearly for its out-and-out puppetry and treachery to the country.

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