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Macapagal-Arroyo: Bush's little brown sister!

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal
Communist Party of the Philippines
February 09, 2002

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's utterance that those who are against Balikatan 02-1 are pro-Abu Sayyaf and are not Filipinos is the complete opposite of what is true.

Who is the number one blind flunky of every US imperialist policy in the Philippines to the detriment of the Filipino nation and people?

Who was the foremost supporter of Bush's war of aggression against Afghanistan and now its transmogrification into a borderless war against "terrorists" all over the world.

Who is the principal proponent and apologist of US intervention in the internal affairs of the nation to the extent of initiating and inviting armed intervention of US troops in the country, including combat zones, in sheer violation of her own government's constitution and has even made a secret agreement with the US president in regard to this and other military matters?

Who is the chief patron and protector of AFP officers in high command who are known to have been manipulating the Abu Sayyaf situation, making deals with and taking cuts from them for the ransom of hostages and arrangeing of the bandits' convenient exit from entrapment and rout?

Who is the ultimate source of command for the massive and vicious militarization and military abuse that has been causing unprecedented widespread and wanton killings, torture, harassment, mass evacuations and other violations of human rights, especially in areas of the countryside where the revolutionary movement is strong?

Who is the paramount advocate and taskperson of US "globalization" policy that is wrecking havoc on Philippine industry, agriculture and economy and causing even greater poverty and more sufferings of the Filipino people?

Who is second to none in keeping the workers' wages at subhuman levels and denying them their just living wage for the sake of attracting foreign investments interested only in the country's dirt-cheap labor?

Who is now the preeminent patron of large-scale corruption in government and wheeling-and-dealing with the likes of Danding Cojuangco, Lucio Tan and other Marcos and Estrada cronies against the interest of the country and that of the mass of the people?

It is Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo herself is is most responsible for all this. It is she who is most pro-US and anti-Filipino. She loves Bush so much, she not only parrots every utterance of her imperialist master, she does whatever Bush wants her to do. She is nothing else but Bush's "little brown sister".

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo deserves the condemnation of the entire Filipino nation and people for her unqualified puppetry and antinational and anti-people policies, utterances and deeds. She is guilty of treason against the Philippines and deserves to be persona-non-grata to the Filipino people.

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