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Comrades Abling, Daniel and Nards are great martyrs and heroes of the revolution

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal
Communist Party of the Philippines
October 16, 2002

We vehemently deny the monstrous lie and deception again being perpetrated by the good-for-nothing butcher Col. Palparan who claims that the three bodies they exhumed in Mindoro are those of victims of a �purge� within the revolutionary movement.

Ka Abling, Ka Daniel and Ka Nards are martyrs of the revolution. Ka Abling was a courageous Red commander while Ka Daniel and Ka Nards were model Red fighters of the New People�s Army (NPA) who laid down their lives for the welfare and future of the Filipino people.

The three martyrs died in a successful ambush launched by the NPA on July 4, 2000 in Barangay Antonino, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro. Comrades paid tribute to the fallen fighters and hastily buried the bodies on the spot in the midst of an extremely difficult situation brought about by a pursuit operation of the terrorist and mercenary government troops. The accounts of their heroism have been imparted to their families and loved ones.

Comrades Abling, Nards and Daniel are great communists and revolutionaries who did not hesitate to lay down their lives for the people and their revolution led by the great Communist Party of the Philippines. They were exemplary commanders and fighters of the NPA�s Lucio de Guzman Command and Melito Glor Command.

But their remains were desecrated and profaned by the mercenary and terrorist footmen of Macapagal-Arroyo led by Col. Palparan. Palparan�s claim that they were victims of a �purge� within the revolutionary movement constitutes an outrageous desecration of their memory.

As his futility in the �counter-insurgency� campaign in Oriental Mindoro and Southern Tagalog is coming to light, Palparan cannot find anything better to do than kill helpless civilians and Mangyans and later claim that his victims were NPA or NPA supporters; or order the exhumation of corpses even in public cemeteries and present them as supposed victims of �purges� within the revolutionary movement, as what he has done in the case of Comrades Abling, Nards and Daniel.

This is part of an extensive psywar campaign of the warmonger and chief puppet Macapagal-Arroyo and her mercenary and terrorist AFP and PNP in their desperate attempt to portray the CPP-NPA-NDFP as devils incarnate. The fascists are now frantically groping for a way to disparage the revolutionary before the masses. They are weaving outright lies.

They definitely cannot convince and deceive the masses of the Filipino people. The broad mass of peasants all over the country know fully well that the revolutionary movement serves them; thus they embrace and wholeheartedly claim the revolution as their own by directly taking part in it and offering their best sons and daughters to become Red fighters of the New People�s Army.

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