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The National Democratic Front is one invincible fortress of struggle of the Filipino people

Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal
Communist Party of the Philippines
April 24, 2003

In the name of the cadres and members of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the Red commanders and fighters of the New People's Army, I extend the warmest revolutionary greetings to all 17 allied organizations that form the National Democratic Front on the occasion of its 30th anniversary.

It is only just that in celebrating this day, we reaffirm our dedication to our tireless struggle until we realize national freedom and democracy for the Filipino people. Let us offer this celebration to all the martyrs and heroes of the national-democratic revolution. Let us recall the memory of Comrade Antonio Zumel -- the departed NDF chairman Manuel Romero -- and draw inspiration from the total dedication of his whole life and intellect in the service of the people.

This celebration is taking place in the midst of a worsening crisis in the world and in our own country, providing more excellent conditions for advancing the revolution. This was the sharp analysis expounded by Comrade Armando Liwanag, Chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines, in his statement last December 26, 2002 and last March 29, 2003.

The crisis of the world capitalist system and the semi-colonial and semi-feudal system in the Philippines is growing worse and worse. It has furthered the intensity of the exploitation and oppression of the workers, peasants and other sectors of the people. The correctness and necessity of advancing the national-democratic revolution to end the hardship and suffering of the Filipino people is becoming clearer.

The advance of the revolutionary movement in the Philippines has been rapid and all-sided, especially in the last few years. The revolutionary forces completely shoulder the heavy tasks of advancing the people's war, mass movement and the united front.

In many aspects, the revolutionary movement has once again reached its peak before its decline due to the errors and deviations well over a decade ago. In the next few years, we will certainly surpass the previous peak. The revolutionary forces are ready to further advance the people's war all-sidedly, and carry it to the middle substage of the strategic defensive.

As opposed to the revolutionary movement that is vigorously expanding and advancing, the Arroyo regime is steadily rotting, becoming increasingly isolated, and declining. The people cannot stand its excessive puppetry, repression and corruption. The regime's schemes to deodorize and deceive the people are no longer working. The opposition to the regime is increasing and becoming firmer.

The fire of patriotism is burning brighter and spreading more rapidly in the face of the intensifying direct armed intervention of US imperialism in the Philippines and the unparalleled puppetry of the Arroyo regime. We can be sure that it will thwart the armed intervention and aggression of the US troops in the Philippines, together with continually opposing the economic, political and other forms of imperialist intervention, domination and oppression in the country.

The global protests against the greed, militarism and war making of US imperialism is burning bright and spreading. The protests against the armed aggression of the US in Iraq is unprecedented in history. The revolutionary movement and anti-imperialist struggle of the Filipino people is part of and provides a significant contribution to the advance of the global movement against imperialism and reaction and for national liberation, democracy and socialism.

It is only just to oppose the US armed intervention, aggression and threat of war against the revolutionary movements, just struggles of the people and countries defending their national sovereignty and independence. We must support the cries of the Iraqi people to drive out the armed US troops that are now occupying their country. It is only just to support all legitimate struggles of the people of Afghanistan, Palestine and other former colonies and semi-colonies against the US and its other close allies. Now, it is Syria, Iran and North Korea that the US is threatening, and it is only just that we oppose the US' war making against them. In the face of the intensifying armed intervention and growing threat of US armed aggression in the Philippines, it is only just that we continue to oppose, prepare completely for direct engagement with it, and seek the broadest international support to repel it.

The record of the NDF is splendid in upholding and defending the national-democratic interests and the revolutionary armed struggle of the Filipino people. Through the NDF, support for the revolutionary armed struggle in the Philippines has been expanded among various sectors in the country, not only among the ranks of workers and semi-proletarians, but also among the national minorities, teachers, professionals, youth and students, government employees, etc.

The NDF has performed its role well in representing the revolutionary movement in peace negotiations with the reactionary government-in spite of the twists and turns in the course of negotiations as a result of the obstacles put up by the government.

It is also significant that the NDF has also represented the revolutionary movement in relating to various other countries, including those which recognize the NDF, in international gatherings, organizations and institutions, and in carrying out various global proto-diplomatic activities. Because of the work of the NDF, many recognize the legitimate aspirations and work of the revolutionary movement in the Philippines, recognize its status of belligerency, and recognize that it is a legitimate force that is waging a war with its own political power, army and territory. The broad recognition and support received by the NDF is a shield against the attempts of imperialism and the reactionary state to deprive the revolutionary movement of support in accordance with the "war against terrorism" of US imperialism.

The revolutionary forces throughout the country are happy to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the NDF. The NDF brilliantly embodies the revolutionary movement as an invincible fortress of anti-imperialist, anti-feudal and anti-fascist struggle of the Filipino people.

Unite, oppose and overthrow the puppet, rotten, and repressive Macapagal-Arroyo regime!

Advance the revolutionary armed struggle!

Advance the national-democratic revolution!

Long live the National Democratic Front!

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