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NDFP Warmly Welcomes President Estrada's Approval of the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law

Luis T. Jalandoni
Negotiating Panel
National Democratic Front of the Philippines
August 11, 1998

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines warmly welcomes the approval by GRP President Joseph Estrada of the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. This is a document of profound significance and of lasting benefit to the Filipino people as it is relevant to the current situation of human rights and international humanitarian law. It is responsive to the needs, demands and expectations of the people.

The approval by GRP President Estrada, together with the earlier approval by NDF Chairman Mariano Orosa, lays the foundation for the effective implementation of the Agreement's provisions on human rights and international humanitarian law. It also paves the way for comprehensive agreements on social, economic, political and constitutional reforms which are required for the attainment of a just and lasting peace.

The approval by both principals of the GRP and the NDFP of the Comprehensive Agreement is an express recognition of the gains achieved by the GRP and the NDFP Panels during the six years of the Ramos administration. It is the explicit adoption of the framework, procedural and technical documents agreed upon by both Parties, particularly The Hague Joint Declaration of 1992 and the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG) of 1995. The approval reaffirms the continuity of negotiations from the Ramos administration to the Estrada administration.

The approval by both Principals makes the Agreement immediately binding upon the Parties and their forces and should be implemented in accordance with the mechanisms of implementation stipulated in the Agreement.

Consequent to the approval of the Agreement, the following priorities should be attended to right away by both Parties:

  • Release of political prisoners as a matter of obligation arising from the Agreement. According to Art. 6 of Part III. The GRP shall forthwith review the cases of all prisoners or detainees who have been charged, detained or convicted contrary to this doctrine [People vs. Hernandez & People vs. Geronimo], and shall immediately release them.
  • Indemnification of the victims of human rights violations under the Marcos dictatorship in accord with Art. 5 of Part III which stipulates that "the Parties hereby respect and support the rights of the victims of human rights violations during the Marcos regime=85"
  • Formation of the Joint Monitoring Committee "that shall monitor the implementation of this Agreement"(Part V).
  • Review and repeal of repressive laws, decrees and other executive issuances and jurisprudence in accord with Art. 7 and Art. 8 of Part III.
  • Review and change of GRP policies, laws, programs, projects, campaigns and practices that cause or allow the forcible evacuation and reconcentration of civilians, the emergence and increase of internally displaced families and communities and the destruction of the lives and property of the civilian population. (Art. 8 of Part IV)

Addressing these priorities will demonstrate the beneficial effects of this Agreement for the Filipino people.

The NDFP takes this occasion to express its gratitude to the many human rights, Church and other organizations, as well as local GRP officials, who strongly supported the approval of the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law.=20

The NDFP is ready to resume the peace negotiations on the next substantive topic, Social and Economic Reforms. We shall count on the wide support of the people for the GRP-NDFP peace negotiations, as we commit ourselves to bring the people's issues and demands to the negotiating table.#


Luis Jalandoni
Chairman, NDFP Negotiating Panel

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