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Gonzales gives GMA's go-signal to AFP and PNP to step up attacks vs. progressive party lists

Negotiating Panel
National Democratic Front of the Philippines
April 05, 2004

Fidel V. Agcaoili
Co-Chairperson, Joint Monitoring Committee
Member, NDFP Negotiating Panel

National Security Adviser Gonzales' red-baiting statements against BAYAN MUNA, ANAKPAWIS, ANAK ng BAYAN, GABRIELA Women's Party List, MIGRANTE Party List, and SUARA Party List give the green light from the GMA regime to the AFP and PNP to intensify their physical attacks and human rights violations against the six progressive party lists, and to intimidate the people from supporting them.

Thirty-eight BAYAN MUNA officials and members have been killed under the GMA government. The GMA administration has not lifted a finger to bring to justice the perpetrators, believed to be military and police elements. The most notoriously ruthless of them, then PA Col. Palparan of the 204th Bde, was even promoted to the rank of General.

This does not augur well for the peace talks under the GMA regime.

Instead of silencing Gonzales, the GMA regime has allowed him to go on a rampage against the progressive party lists. This indicates that GMA shares Gonzales' morbid fears of having more progressive and militant representatives articulating the people's demands and aspirations in Congress, even if there is absolutely no hope of their ever outvoting the dominant vested interests and passing truly pro-people legislation.

If the GMA regime cannot respect the rights of progressive party lists guaranteed by the GRP's own constitution and laws, how can it uphold and promote human rights and international humanitarian law in accordance with bilateral agreements with the NDFP, especially the Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL)?

If it cannot tolerate criticism and proposals for change coming from progressives participating in the GRP's legal processes, how can it have an open mind to negotiate basic social, economic and political reforms with the NDFP?

Ms Ruth de Leon
NDFP Negotiating Panel
(3130) 2310431

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