Archive of Articles

Mega farms: Land consolidation for export production
October 07, 2020

The Duterte regime is putting forward various schemes purportedly to stimulate the agricultural sector. These include the Mega Farm and Food Security Program is touted to ensure food security during the pandemic. The program aims to consolidate parcels of land tilled by individual farmers into mega farms which will specialize in producing certain crops for […]

Dependence on fertilizer imports dooms Philippine food security
October 07, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic has further exposed the backward state of Philippine agriculture. Global agricultural production disruptions caused by lockdowns, quarantines, border controls and transportation production are aggravating the crisis in the local agricultural sector which is heavily dependent on imported inputs and is export-oriented. The food crisis, caused by decades of liberalization, monopoly of land […]

Duterte's butchers are on rampage
October 07, 2020

Four barangay officials and a resident were killed by state forces in Bicol in just a week. A farmer in Neg­ros and two Lumads in Sultan Kudarat also experienced intense brutality in the hands of the military. All of the victims were tagged as memebers of the New People’s Army (NPA). In Mas­ba­te, three civilians […]

Impending demolition amid pandemic
October 07, 2020

Residents of Barangay 654 in Intra­mu­ros, Ma­ni­la mounted a picket last Sep­tember 24 to oppose the impending demolition of their houses. In response, MGen. De­bold Si­nas deployed police forces in the area that evening to suppress the resistance of residents. In Ton­do, about 5,000 residents are bound to be evicted from their houses at the […]

Heroism of the toiling masses: Ta­tay Yu­lo's secret
October 07, 2020

This article is part of Ang Bayan’s series recognizing the daily heroism of the toiling masses in advancing the national democratic revolution. Ang Ba­yan enjoins all units of the Party, people’s army and revolutionary mass organizations to submit stories depicting the resilience, courage and militance of the toiling masses in the face of the reactionary […]

AFP bombing ravages forest
October 07, 2020

Over the past two years, the Duterte regime has incessantly utilized its attack planes and helicopters from the US to bomb civilian communities. Aside from terrorizing residents, these attacks also cause massive destruction of forests. This October, the New People’s Army-Su­ri­gao del Sur posted several images showing the damage caused to forests by indiscriminate bombings […]

Groups commemorate 48th year of martial law
October 07, 2020

Various organizations mounted activities last September 21 to commemorate the 48th anniversary of the declaration of martial law by the Marcos dictatorship in 1972. More than 2,000 protested at the Univer­sity of the Phi­lip­pi­nes-Di­li­man in Quezon City with the theme “Fight tyranny! Oust Du­ter­te!” They said that the dire situation at present is not different […]

Rice farmers demand subsidy
October 07, 2020

The Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP) demanded the Duterte regime to subsidize palay farmers to save them from bankruptcy amid falling farmgate prices of palay. According to KMP, the regime may use the ₱10.727 billion in rice import taxes that it was able to collect to aid approximately 72,800 peasant families. This October, the farmgate […]

In short
October 07, 2020
US bill to block military funding
October 07, 2020

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) welcomed the Philippine Human Rights Act introduced by US Congress Rep. Susan Wild on September 17. The bill aims to block US funding for the Philippine military and police over widespread reports of human rights violations. Wild described the Duterte regime as “brutal” which she said has intensified […]