Archive of Articles

Journalist file complaint against repression
August 07, 2020

JOURNALISTS FROM Alter­mid­ya, Pi­noy Weekly, Ko­dao Pro­ducti­ons and Bu­lat­lat filed a complaint at the Com­mis­si­on on Hu­man Rights on July 30 against Na­tio­nal Task Force to End the Local Com­mu­nist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) and Phi­lip­pi­ne Na­tio­nal Po­lice for subjecting them to continuing harassment. The complaint includes the recent confiscation of thousands of copies of Pinoy […]

Tumandoks arrested in Negros Occidental
August 07, 2020

Elements of the 62nd IB simultaneously arrested Tumandok minorities Mar­tin Lin­da­yao, We­nie Ca­ril­lo and De­mas Lin­da­yao in Ba­ra­ngay San Agus­tin, Isa­be­la, Neg­ros Occiden­tal on July 2, 7 a.m. The arrest is part of the continuing focused military operations in the area.

Peasant couple murdered in Northern Samar
August 07, 2020

Peasant couple Alber­to and Ma­ri­tess Du­rin were killed when CAFGU elements under the 20th IB indiscriminately strafed their house in Ba­ra­ngay Na­ta­wo, Pa­la­pag, Northern Sa­mar on July 26. Their grandchild, a minor, was also wounded during the incident. This is the second case of indiscriminate strafing by soldiers in Palapag since June. Earlier, military agents […]

8th ID shells farmlands in Samar 88 times
August 07, 2020

The 8th ID fired a total of 88 artillery rounds at farmlands in San Jose de Buan, Western Samar last July 14 and 29. This resulted in the evacuation of 50 farmers from adjacent communities. At least 64 rounds of mortar and howitzers were fired by the military at farmlands in Mt. Huraw near the […]

Empty SONA speech
August 07, 2020

RODRIGO DUTERTE DELIVERED his SONA speech at 4 p.m. in front of 29 congressmen and eight senators. Vice President Leni Robredo was not invited to physically attend Duterte’s address. She along with all other congressmen and senators attended via teleconference. Duterte used his speech to hurl personal attacks against his political rivals. He made no […]

SONAgkai­sa pro­tes­ts
August 07, 2020

National democratic organizations, the traditional opposition, along with other groups and individuals once again converged at the University of the Philippines (UP) in Diliman, Quezon City in conjunction with Rodrigo Duterte’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) last July 27. The protesters defied De­partment of Inte­ri­or and Local Government Sec. Edu­ar­do Año’s ban on rallies. […]

Sharpest economic downturn in 4 decades
August 07, 2020

THE PHILIPPINE GROSS domestic product (GDP) dropped by 16.7% during the second quarter of 2020, the sharpest economic decline in the past 36 years. The economic downturn follows the longest lockdown which Duterte imposed after failed to promptly and correctly manage the pandemic. The economic decline is the worst in Asia, and is considered crucial […]

Lumads hit mushrooming AFP detachments in NCMR
August 07, 2020

MILITARY DETACHMENTS ARE sprouting like mushrooms in North Central Mindanao even amid the pandemic. Instead of putting up barangay health clinics, six detachments were constructed by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) in various parts of the region in the past five months. This includes detachments in Barangay Du­ri­an, Las Nieves, Agu­san del Nor­te; […]

NPA offensives against plunderous mining ops
August 07, 2020

The New People’s Army (NPA) mounted successive military actions to halt plunderous mining operations in Wes­tern Sa­mar and South Co­ta­ba­to from June to July. Wes­tern Sa­mar. An NPA unit targeted troopers of the 8th ID who were conducting security operations in the province to pave way for the opening of the Sa­mar Bauxi­te Project of […]

Fi­del V. Agcaoi­li, 75
August 07, 2020

Tributes and memorials rushed in after the National Democratic Front of the Philippines announced the demise of Fidel V. Agcaoili last July 23. Ka Fidel was the chaiperson of the NDFP’s negotiating panel to the peace talks with the Government of the Philippines since 2016. He passed away in Utrecht, The Netherlands at approximately 12 […]