Archive of Articles

Hu­wad na re­por­mang ag­rar­yo sa Bo­racay
August 07, 2019

Taliwas sa ipinagmamayabang ni Pre­si­dent Rod­ri­go Du­ter­te sa kan­yang ikaa­pat na Sta­te of the Na­ti­on Address, hin­di to­to­ong nai­sa­ka­tu­pa­ran na ang re­por­mang ag­rar­yo sa is­la ng Bo­racay sa Aklan. Ang to­too, hang­gang sa ka­sa­lu­ku­yan ay hin­di pa rin nai­pa­pa­ma­ha­gi ang 18 ek­tar­yang lu­pa­in na isi­nai­la­lim sa re­por­mang ag­rar­yo sa mga be­ne­pi­sya­ryo ni­to. Ayon kay De­partment […]

Ma­ta­gum­pay na laban sa Kentex at OceanaGold
August 07, 2019

MATAPOS ANG MAHIGIT apat na taong pa­ki­ki­ba­ka, nag­ka­mit ng ta­gum­pay ang mga mang­ga­ga­wa ng Ken­tex noong Hul­yo 26. Ito ay ma­ta­pos mag­la­bas ang Kor­te Sup­re­ma ng kau­tu­san sa Ken­tex Ma­nufactu­ring Corp. na ba­ya­ran ng P1.44 mil­yon ang 57 mang­ga­ga­wang na­ka­lig­tas sa pag­ka­su­nog ng pa­ga­wa­an ni­to ng tsi­ne­las noong Ma­yo 13, 2015. Pi­tum­pu’t da­la­wang mang­ga­ga­wa ang […]

Pag­pa­tay sa ha­ri ng ka­l­sa­da
August 07, 2019

Kabilang sa mga winasak ng ika­la­wang dig­ma­ang pan­da­ig­dig, ang ma­yor na lin­ya ng pam­pub­li­kong transpor­ta­syon sa ban­sa. Bi­lang pan­sa­man­ta­lang so­lu­syo­n, ilan sa mga Pi­li­pi­no ang na­mu­hu­nan sa pag­ku­kum­pu­ni ng si­ra-si­rang mga dyip na gi­na­mit ng mga Ame­ri­ka­nong sun­da­lo. Ang kau­na-u­na­han at noo’y pi­na­ka­ma­la­king nag­ma­ma­nu­pak­tu­ra ng dyip ang kum­pan­yang Sa­rao Mo­tors. Nai­ta­tag ito noong 1953 ng […]

August 07, 2019
Na­sa­sa­id na re­kur­so sa SCS
August 07, 2019

Ma­la­king ka­wa­lan sa mga ma­ngi­ngis­dang Pi­li­pi­no ang ili­gal na pa­ngi­ngis­da ng mga Chi­ne­se sa so­be­ra­nong te­ri­tor­yo ng Pi­li­pi­nas at ka­la­pit ni­tong mga ka­ra­ga­tan. Sa na­ka­ra­ang anim na de­ka­da, tu­luy-tu­loy nang lu­mi­it ang bi­lang ng mga is­da sa South Chi­na Sea du­lot ng de­ka-de­ka­da nang sob­rang pa­ngi­ngis­da sa lu­gar. Isa ang South Chi­na Sea sa li­mang […]

Legislative agenda for all-out liberalization
July 21, 2019

In his upcoming State of the Nation Address this July 22, Rodrigo Duterte is expected to once again demonstrate utter subservience to his US imperialist master by prioritizing the implementation of neoliberal economic reforms which have long been recommended by the US under its The Arang­ka­da Phi­lip­pi­nes Project (TAPP). These reforms aim to push for […]

US tightens hold on the Philippines
July 21, 2019

THE PHILIPPINES further tightened its hold on the Philippines after the 8th Bi­la­te­ral Stra­te­gic Dia­lo­gue (BSD) between both countries was concluded last June 15-16. The annual BSD is conducted under US-Philippines Mu­tu­al Defen­se Tre­aty and is participated in by ranking officials of the US government and the Armed Forces of the Philippines. The US delegation […]

Workers mount #PayDayProtest
July 21, 2019

MEMBERS OF THE Kilusang Mayo Uno conducted a #PayDayProtest on July 15, a week before Rodrigo Duterte’s State of the Nation Address. They condemned the regime’s continuing policy of wage repression, contractualization and the overarching jobs crisis in the country. Farm workers from Hacien­da Buencon­sejoa in E.B. Ma­ga­lo­na, Neg­ros Occi­den­tal participated in the campaign. They […]

NPA harasses 63rd & 87th IB
July 21, 2019

THE NEW PEOPLE’S Army (NPA)-Wes­tern Sa­mar twice harassed ele­men­ts of the 63rd IB on June 16 in Ba­ra­ngay Bay-ang, San Jor­ge, Sa­mar. Two soldiers were killed-in-action. Three elements of the 87th IB were also killed in a harassment operation in Ba­ra­ngay Sto. Niño, Pa­ra­nas on June 27. Meanwhile, the NPA meted a punitive action against […]

Regime coerces fishermen to withdraw writ of kalikasan petition
July 21, 2019

ON JULY 9, lawyers of the Duterte regime coerced 40 fishermen from Masinloc, Zambales and Palawan to withdraw their petition for a writ of kalikasan in the West Phi­lip­pi­ne Sea (WPS). Assisted by the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, the fishermen filed a petition at the Supreme Court last April against China’s destruction of coral […]