Archive of Articles

April 21, 2019

Filipino migrants protest in US. In Washington DC, the Malaya movement led a die-in protest in the US Senate led at least 300 individuals in condemning the Duterte regime’s killing campaign and demand a stop to the provision of US military aid to the reactionary government of the Philip­pines. The Duterte regime received $184.5 million […]

Foxconn to dismiss 100,000 workers
April 21, 2019

FoxConn Technology, one of the world’s biggest manufacturing companies, is planning to dismiss 100,000 workers in China and other parts of the world. Last year, it already fired 30,000 workers in its Zhengzhou factory. Foxconn is one of the biggest contract producers of Iphones for Apple. Due to stiff competition, Apple announced that sales in […]

NPA ambushes PNP in Mt. Province
April 07, 2019

The New People’s Army (NPA)-Mt. Province ambushed operating troopers of the Philippine National Police (PNP) who attempted to sabotage the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the NPA on March 29. The Red fighters fired upon the operatives at around 9 a.m. in Mt. Gonggong-o in the town of Bau­ko. An operative was slain while […]

NPA50: People's war, until victory
April 07, 2019

The Central Committee extended its most militant greetings to all Red commanders and fighters on the 50th founding anniversary of the New People’s Army. In its statement, the CPP acknowledged the victories of the NPA in the past five decades of waging armed struggle. The Central Committee paid tribute to all the heroes and martyrs […]

Farmers from Cagayan and Capiz gain victories
April 07, 2019

Farmers from Maayon, Capiz gained victories from a dialogue with eight financiers (merchant-usurers) last March 26. Around 250 Maayon farmers participated in the dialogue which was organized by the Ka­hub­la­gan sang mga Ma­ngu­ngu­ma kag Ma­mu­mu­gon sa Uma sa Ca­piz (Kammaca), a provincial chapter of Pamanggas-Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas. Among the most notable victories of the […]

State forces arrest 2 NDF consultants
April 07, 2019

Two consultants of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) and three others were successively arrrested by the US-Duterte regime last March. In a joint operation, elements of the 202nd IBde and the Philippine National Police (PNP) arrested Fr. Frank Fernandez, 71, NDF-Negros spokesperson, his wife Cleofe Lagtapon, 66 and Geann Perez, 20 last […]

7 more peasants killed
April 07, 2019

In other parts of the country, the US-Duterte regime continues to wage all-out attacks against peasants. In March alone, seven were killed by state elements. Soliders of the 48th IB murdered Larry Suganob, leader of PINAGBUKLOD, an affiliate organization of Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP), last March 18 at Barangay San Isidro, San Jose del […]

PNP arrests union leader
April 07, 2019

Police forces illegally arrested Eugene Garcia, chairperson of the workers union in Pioneer Flat Glass Manufacturing, in Pasig City last March 20. He was charged with a fabricated case of illegal possesion of firearms. Upon presenting a search warrant, the police searched through and then planted a .45 caliber pistol in his residence. Last 2016, […]

Attacks on offices and a mission
April 07, 2019

Twenty soldiers attempted to enter the BAYAN-Northern Mindanao Region office in Camaman-an, Cagayan de oro City last March 20 purportedly to arrest a certain “Albert.” When they were refused entry, the soldiers surrounded the house and prohibited the staff members to leave the office. On the same day, the office of KASTAN, the provincial chapter […]

Youth group oppose Mandatory ROTC
April 07, 2019

Progressive youth organizations mounted successive protests condemning the brutal killing of Willie Amihoy, a Re­serve Officers Trai­ning Corps (ROTC) cadet in the Iloilo Sta­te Col­le­ge of Fis­he­ri­es. The protesters said that ROTC reinforces bullying and violence among students. Various youth groups in UP Cebu and Kabataan Partylist-Panay also conducted protests on March 12 and 13, […]