Archive of Articles

AFP illegaly arrests two minors
March 07, 2019

Elements of the 88th IB illegally arrested and detained two minors in Sitio Sanggiapo, Barangay Sinuda, Kitaotao, Bukidnon on February 18 at around 11 a.m. The victims were identified as Loujean Antian Lumbatan, 17, a student of Sinuda High School, and Ara Mystica Antian Pangcat, 10, a student of Cabalansihan Elementary School. They were detained […]

The Filipino women's plight and struggle
March 07, 2019

In a semicolonial and semifeudal society, women are exploited not only as workers or farmers but are further oppressed due to gender discrimination and male chauvinism. Compared to men, women’s wages are relatively lower and working conditions are more exploitative. Likewise, they are constrained by the predominant patriachal culture which sets their societal “role” as […]

Nurses fight against inhumane working conditions
March 07, 2019

NURSES AND HEALTH workers of the University of Santo Tomas Hospital (USTH) in Manila are planning to mount a strike against against inhumane working conditions in the hospital. Due to lack of employees in the hospital, nurses are required to render longer hours of work. This affects the quality of their service. They attested that […]

Women welcome passage of Expanded Maternity Leave Law
March 07, 2019

THE EXPANDED MATERNITY Law was finally enacted after it was formally approved by Rodrigo Duterte last February 22. The Gabriela Women’s Partylist (GWP) along with other progressive groups and personalities lobbied and campaigned for the said law for almost a decade. The law grants 105 paid days of maternity leave to expectant mothers. They are […]

Commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Comintern
March 07, 2019

THE INTERNATIONAL PROLETARIAN movement commemorated the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Third International or the Communist International (Comintern) by its First Congress in Moscow on March 2-6, 1919. The Comintern was the outcome of the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution which established the dictatorship of the proletariat in Russia and paved […]

DPRK resists US arm-twisting
March 07, 2019

NEITHER AN AGREEMENT nor a joint statement was announced after the second meeting of Kim Jong Un, leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK or North Korea), and US President Donald Trump during the last week of February in Vietnam. The objective of the said meeting was to rediscuss the denuclearization of the […]

Mga nars, luma­ban sa di maka­ta­ong ka­la­ga­yan sa pagga­wa
March 07, 2019

WELGA ANG BANTA ng mga nars at mang­ga­ga­wang pang­ka­lu­su­gan sa Univer­sity of San­to To­mas Hos­pi­tal (USTH) sa Ma­ni­la City la­ban sa di-ma­ka­ta­ong ka­la­ga­yan sa pag­ga­wa sa loob ng os­pi­tal. Daing ng mga nars, da­hil ku­lang sa emple­ya­do ang os­pi­tal ay na­pi­pi­li­tan si­lang gu­mu­gol ng mas ma­ha­bang oras sa pag­ga­wa. Da­hil di­to ay apek­ta­do ang ka­li­dad […]

DPRK, hin­di nag­pab­ra­so sa US
March 07, 2019

WALANG NAABOT NA ka­sun­du­an o pi­nag-i­sang pa­ha­yag ang mu­ling pa­ki­ki­pag­ki­ta ng pi­nu­no ng De­mocra­tic Peop­le’s Re­pub­lic of Ko­rea (DPRK o North Ko­rea) na si Kim Jong Un sa pre­si­den­te ng US na si Do­nald Trump noong hu­ling ling­go ng Peb­re­ro sa Viet­nam. La­yu­nin ng na­tu­rang pag­pu­pu­long na mu­ling pag-u­sa­pan ang de­nuk­le­ya­ri­sa­syon ng DPRK, isang kai­sa­hang […]

Pi­na­ha­bang leave ng mga ba­gong ina, nai­sa­ba­tas
March 07, 2019

NAISABATAS NA ANG expan­ded ma­ter­nity leave (pi­na­ha­bang ba­ka­syon ng mga ba­gong ina mu­la sa ka­ni­lang tra­ba­ho) ma­ta­pos itong ap­ru­ba­han ni Ro­dri­go Du­ter­te noong Peb­re­ro 22. Ha­los isang de­ka­da na itong igi­ni­gi­it at iki­na­kam­pan­ya ng Gab­rie­la Wo­men’s Partylist (GWP) ka­sa­ma ang iba pang mga prog­re­si­bong gru­po at per­so­na­he. Sa ila­lim ng ba­tas, maaa­ri nang lu­mi­ban sa […]

Mga me­nor-de-e­dad, ili­gal na ina­res­to ng AFP
March 07, 2019

Da­la­wang me­nor-de-e­dad na es­tud­yan­te ang ili­gal na di­na­kip at idi­ne­ti­ne ng mga sun­da­lo ng 88th IB sa Sit­yo Sang­gia­po, Ba­ra­ngay Si­nu­da, Ki­tao­tao, Bu­kid­non noong Peb­re­ro 18. Si­na Loujean Anti­an Lum­ba­tan, 17, es­tud­yan­te sa Si­nu­da High Scho­ol, at Ara Mystica Anti­an Pangcat, 10, es­tud­yan­te ng Ca­ba­lan­si­han Ele­men­tary Scho­ol ay ina­res­to ng mga sun­da­lo ban­dang alas-11 ng […]