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(1980 TO 1991)


Basahin sa Pilipino
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Central Committee, Communist Party of the Philippines
Finalized by
Executive Committee

November 1992

During the 1980s, the Party and the revolutionary movement had made unprecedented advances and victories but these were not sustained. Eventually, there was a loss of momentum and an increasing loss of initiative, which finally led to unprecedented setbacks.

The analysis of the roots and circumstances of the entire course of the revolution during the past more than one decade in order to draw lessons and clarify the path for the restrengthening and continuous and all-sided advance is the main objective of any comprehensive summing up of experiences during this period.

This paper is a chronology of the most important events and decisions in the practice of the Party during the past more than one decade. This has been made on the basis of the discussions of the 10th Plenum of the Central Committee. Its aims to provide cadres and members of the Party with a comprehensive understanding of the general flow of revolutionary practice during the previous decade and to unify the view of the entire Party on this.

This chronology supplements the main summing-up and rectification document, "Reaffirm Our Basic Principles and Rectify the Errors" and, as such, is still raw material relative to the higher level of synthesis and elevation of our practice to theory as has been achieved by the main rectification document. Nevertheless, this chronology also contains an evaluation of important events and decisions from the point of view of principles and the practical movement.

Because of the long period that the Party failed to make a comprehensive summing-up of its experiences and the pileup of errors, shortcomings and weaknesses, which have not yet been thoroughly and correctly summed up, a short summing-up document and a short chronology of crucial events and decisions will not suffice. Some events and issues in the past which might have had a direct bearing on an incident, a line of work or an area may be discovered as not having been considered here. It is expected that these will be taken up in the summings-up of particular lines of work or areas, or else in a new edition of the main document of summing-up and chronology if necessary.

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