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The Philippine Revolution Web Central

The news and information center of the Philippine revolutionary struggle. This site is being maintained by the Party Information Bureau of the Communist Party of the Philippines. If you wish to be informed of new postings on this site, please subscribe to any one of our mailing lists. The PRWC also accepts artworks (visual, literary, or other forms) guests may want to share with other visitors to the site. Please let us know through our feedback form. DISABLED INI SA OFFLINE.

CPP Documents section

A repository of documents of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP). Features materials pertaining to the theoretical and social foundations of the party, its history, endeavors and aspirations. Currently includes the 1968 Party Constitution, the history of the CPP, Program for a people's democratic revolution, the Specific Characteristics of our People's War, and Our Urgent Tasks.

NPA section

Features the New People's Army's history (Kasaysayan), basic principles (Saligang Alituntunin), links to the Central Committee's statements on the NPA's anniversaries through the years and links to greetings on the 35th anniversary of the People's Army. Also contains links to recent statements from NPA commands, recent developments in the work of the NPA, a photo gallery and literary pieces featuring the NPA.

NDF section

Highlights greetings from members, organizations and branches of the NDFP on its 30th year and links to recent statements of NDF formations on current issues. Links to statements by representatives of the NDF in an initial list and to statements coming from the NDF's allied organizations. Features a gallery of heroes and martyrs. Peace talks documents are now available in the site.

Ang Bayan section

The CPP's fortnightly publication online -- in the original Pilipino edition and its Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English translations. Provides news about the work of the Party and its analysis of and standpoint on current issues. The latest issue and past titles may also be downloaded from the archives.

Ka Roger Online

Links to the Party spokesperson's statements and a compilation of Ka Roger's photos, interviews, columns and the like.

Public Info section

Displays and archives of recent statements and newsreleases by the Party Information Bureau through CPP Spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal, other revolutionaries and revolutionary organizations. Includes primers on Balikatan, the Electric Power Industy Reform Act of 2001, Oil Price Hikes and Wages. Also features an interview with the CPP spokesperson himself.

Publications section

Aside from linking to Ang Bayan, the section also links to some downloadable issues of various revolutionary publications: Ang Kalihukan, Baringkuas, Daba-daba, Dangadang, Himagsik, Kahilwayan, Kalayaan, Kalatas, Larab, Lingkawas, Paghimakas, Pakigbisog and Silyab. REBOLUSYON, the theoretical journal of the Communist Party of the Philippine is now available online.

Kultura section

Features an initial set of browsable and downloadable revolutionary songs and some online issues of revolutionary cultural journal Ulos.

Specials section

Currently highlights the struggle to defend Jose Maria Sison and other Filipino revolutionaries in The Netherlands who are being persecuted as "terrorists" by the Dutch and US governments by providing links to related statements, articles, news items and releases and documents. Also features the following: (1) Photo Essays: 36 photos from a celebration of the CPP's 36th anniversary in a Quezon guerrila zone; a glimpse of an NPA anniversary celebration and scenes from a luyu-luyo in a Bicol guerilla zone.; (2) CARHRIHL Monitor: contains the CARHRIHL document signed by both the GRP and the NDFP and coming soon, summaries of human rights violations in contribution to the putting up of the Joint Monitoring Committee; (3) "An Encounter with Ka Roger", an article written by Dante Ang, featured in the Manila Times in a three-part series on June 9-11 2004, and (4) "Solidarity Messages", statements of solidarity received from various parties and organizations for the anniversary of the reestablishment of the Communist Party of the Philippines.

Site Utilities

The feedback form is available for your comments and suggestions. The subscribe link is for those who wish to subscribe to any edition of Ang Bayan or any of the regional revolutionary publications. Questions & Answers provides guidelines in obtaining issues of Ang Bayan and other downloadable materials.

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The Philippine Revolution Web Central is maintained by the Information Bureau
of the Communist Party of the Philippines.
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