Allied organizations of the NDF

  Artista at Manunulat ng Sambayanan

The Artista at Manunulat ng Sambayanan was founded on January 13, 1987.
  Christians for National Liberation

The Christians for National Liberation was founded on February 17, 1972--a century after the martyrdom of Gomburza. It has been actively participating in the struggle for national liberation and democracy, contributing its talents and resources to the people's struggle.

  Cordillera People's Democratic Front

The Cordillera Peoples' Democratic Front (CPDF) is the united front organization of the various peoples of the Cordillera. It is an allied organization of the National Democratic Front and acts also as NDF-Cordillera. It was established in 1981, held its first political congress on January 17, 1987 in Sagada, Mountain Province, and its first organizational congress on March 23, 1989 in Balbalan, Kalinga.
As an allied organization of the NDF, the CPDF adheres to the former's program in a consensual, consultative, and conferential manner. It also recognizes the leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines in the national-democratic revolution, and the New People's Army as the genuine people's army.

  Kabataang Makabayan

The Kabataang Makabayan (KM) which was founded on November 30, 1964, arouses, organizes and mobilizes a wide section of the youth and students sector for the revolutionary cause. A major contribution of the KM is its relentless disposition of its members in the countryside to help build organs of political power and conduct important revolutionary work. It is constantly engaged in building and consolidating revolutionary chapters in schools and communities.

  Katipunan ng mga Gurong Makabayan

The Katipunan ng mga Gurong Makabayan was founded on March 28, 1971. Its decades of revolutionary experience has steeled the determination of teachers to repudiate weaknesses and errors and to raise the level of all teachers' revolutionary unity and struggle.

  Liga ng Agham para sa Bayan

Founded in 1975, the Liga ng Agham para sa Bayan contributed the knowledge and skills of cells of scientists and technologists in the realm of military research, the manufacture of explosives, arms and ammunition, the facilitation of electronic communication systems, cryptology and information technology, the publication of basic knowledge and development in the biomedical field. LAB continued to help in accumulating technological, financial and logistical support for the revolutionary movement. LAB became the core of various organizations of scientists and technologists and youth and students of science and technology. Thus was formed LAB as the revolutionary association of scientists, engineers and technologists, and became an allied organization of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines.

  Makabayang Kawaning Pilipino

The Makabayang Kawaning Pilipino was founded in 1992 as a revolutionary mass organization of employees, workers and average officials in the public sector. It served to further broaden the united front and expose the narrowing and decomposing ranks of the ruling class.

  Malayang Kilusan ng Bagong Kababaihan

  Revolutionary Council of Trade Unions

Makabayang Samahang Pangkalusugan

As an allied organization of the NDFP, the Makabayang Samahang Pangkalusugan was active and tireless in responding to its specific contribution in advancing revolution, which is revolutionary health work. The membership of MSP has expanded fom the ranks of doctors, nurses, hospital workers, health students and other health sector elements. The MSP has continuously strived to respond to medical needs in the countryside in close coordination with NPA medics and health committees in the barrios. It conducts health trainings in various levels to arm comrades with correct and scientific knowledge and methods of curing and caring for the sick. It responds to the immediate and basic health needs of the People's army and the masses. At present, a large number of Red fighters and medics have graduated from basic health trainings, and the sharing of the contents of the intermediate health training with the regions has begun.

Moro Resistance and Liberation Organization

The Moro Resistance and Liberation Organization was founded on June 27, 2005. Its goal is to reinvigorate a national-democratic organization of Moros to uphold and advance the Moro people's right to self-determination and to fight for all their democratic rights and interests.

  Pambansang Katipunan ng mga Magbubukid