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Correspondence Reports:
Revolutionary cultural work blooms anew in Panay

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Revolutionary cultural work has gained new vigor in Panay after more than a decade of being in a slump. Several published works comprising poetry, songs, anecdotes, short stories, comics and drawings are now circulating in the region. The production of video documentaries has also begun.

In February 2004, Sublak (sprout), a revolutionary cultural magazine, was published once more in the region. It folded up in 1989, when the erroneous line of military adventurism and urban insurrectionism prevailed and cultural work was neglected. Sublak has resumed publication to popularize the revolutionary aspirations and experiences of Red fighters, the toiling masses and other democratic and patriotic sectors through literature and the creative arts.

Collection of songs and poems. The new edition of Sublak is divided into four parts.

The first part comprises 23 poems in Hiligaynon, some of which have English and Pilipino translations. It is notable that most of those who contributed their poems are from a new crop of writers�Party cadres, Red commanders and fighters, worker, peasant, fisherfolk and urban poor organizers and national minorities.

Four songs (ambahanon) comprise the second part. In the popular and traditional style of the composo, sugidanon or ismayling, �Igpahu,� �Kasaysayan sang Baryo,� �Grupong Binuligay,� and �Ambus sa Malinao� effectively express the people�s sentiments, aspirations and struggle in advancing agrarian revolution and improving production and opposing militarization, forced evacuation and land confiscation. They likewise extol the NPA�s heroism and encourage everyone to join the burgeoning ranks of the national-democratic movement. The songs were composed by the NPA�s cultural groups in Panay�s Central and Southern Front.

Sugilanon (stories). The third part contains two short stories (sugilanon). Dalugdog sa Septyembre by Rio Roja portrayed the experiences of a newly formed armed propaganda unit in the Northern Front in the early 1970s, from being a neophyte in building the mass base and people�s army to the first time it launches an ambush on enemy troops. Tinipik sang Kasaysayan by Maya Mor vividly recalls the massacre of 37 cadres, commanders and members of the Hukbong Mapagpalaya ng Bayan (HMB) by Magsaysay�s fascist troops during a meeting in Taruytoy, Libacao, Aklan on April 27, 1953. Two of those who escaped, Commander Coronacion �Waling-Waling� Chiva and her husband, played a major role in the NPA�s expansion along the Iloilo-Capiz-Aklan Border Area in 1972.

Sublak�s last part consists of a comics section entitled �Caduy,� featuring a youth who became the character of a popular comic strip that first came out in 1982 in the region�s mass paper Daba-Daba.

Rebanek. Revolutionaries are not always �serious people�. Many humorous incidents crop up, intentionally or otherwise, in the course of their daily life-and-death struggle. To draw lessons from these incidents, Rubio Rus Lucha and Maya Mor compiled 44 vignettes and dubbed them REBANEK or revolutionary anecdotes.

Aside from these, collections of other writings have also been published, such as Poems, The Enemy�s Son and Other Poems from the Warfront (23 poems) and Hiwalaybay nga Walay Prosodyo (30 poems)�all by Maya Mor�and Pila ka Binalaybay kag Ambahanon ang akon Gingikanan (letters, songs and poems) by Bayani Obrero.

With the reinvigoration of revolutionary cultural work comes the hope that many more will find the time and inspiration to express their sentiments about themselves, their loved ones, society and revolution through artistic means, even amid fighting the enemy and carrying out various practical tasks for the revolution.


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21 July 2004
English Edition

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Revolutionary cultural work blooms anew in Panay
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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