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On its 30th founding anniversary
NDF: The indestructible bastion of the Filipino people's struggle

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

All the cadres and members of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the Red commanders and fighters of the New People's Army are in solidarity with all of the 17 allied members comprising the National Democratic Front on the occasion of the latter's 30th anniversary.

It is but fitting for us on this day to reaffirm our dedication to the relentless struggle to attain national liberation and democracy. Let us dedicate this celebration to all the martyrs and heroes of the national-democratic revolution. Let us remember Comrade Antonio Zumel�the late NDF chair Manuel Romero�and draw inspiration from his unstinting offer of life and talent to the people's service.

This celebration takes place amid the intensifying crisis in our country and the world, which is ever favorable for advancing the revolution.

The revolutionary movement in the Philippines has rapidly and all-sidedly advanced especially in recent years. The revolutionary forces have completely taken on the serious tasks related to advancing people's war, the mass movement and the united front.

In many more aspects, the revolutionary movement is now once again at the peak it reached before it was dragged down by errors and deviations more than a decade ago. We will definitely surpass this peak in the next few years. The revolutionary forces stand ready to further advance people's war on all fronts and bring it to the middle stage of the strategic defensive.

The NDF has a brilliant record in advancing and defending the Filipino people's national-democratic interests and their revolutionary armed struggle. Through the NDF, there is broader support for the revolutionary armed struggle in the Philippines from the various sectors in the country, among them the workers, semiproletariat, peasants, national minorities, youth and students, teachers, professionals and government employees.

The NDF plays a featured role in representing the revolutionary movement in peace talks with the reactionary government�despite twists and turns in the negotiations resulting from the various obstacles set up by the government.

The NDF also has a significant role in conducting proto-diplomatic work and representing the revolutionary movement in its relations with various countries and international organizations and institutions. Because of the NDF's work in these areas, many entities recognize the legitimate cause and activities of the revolutionary movement in the Philippines and its status of belligerency. The broad recognition and support enjoyed by the NDF serve as a shield against the "anti-terrorist war" perpetrated by US imperialism and the reactionary state.

The revolutionary forces nationwide are jubilant over the NDF's celebration of its 30th anniversary. The NDF is the indestructible bastion of the Filipino people's anti-imperialist, anti-feudal and antifascist struggle.

(Based on Comrade Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal's message on the National Democratic Front's 30th anniversary on April 24, 2003.)


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21 April 2003
English Edition

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Lessons from the 12-year imperialist suppression campaign against Iraq
The imposition of a new "Pax Americana"
Denationalization, privatization and plunder in the name of "reconstruction"
A vultures' feast
On its 30th founding anniversary
NDF: The indestructible bastion of the Filipino people's struggle
Correspondence Reports:
NPA gains strength in Mindanao

Victorious NPA Offensives:
Active defense in Bulacan

Victorious NPA Offensives:
Armed struggle continues to advance

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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