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The ogre has attacked

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

In attacking Iraq, the US has shown the world, with overweening arrogance, that it cares for nothing but its selfish imperialist interests

US imperialism began on March 20 the cowardly and wanton bombing of Iraq. In response, Iraq likewise bombed American forces along the Kuwaiti border. This belies claims being propagated by the US that a huge portion of Iraq's military forces was ready to surrender and fight the Saddam Hussein regime.

This was followed up by even more intense bombardment directed at the homes of Saddam Hussein and his daughters. American forces have also attacked the southern portion of the country and occupied some towns along Iraq's border with Kuwait.

The US would like to make it appear that this is but a prelude to even bigger attacks. Nonetheless, a few days before, two B-1 airplanes bombed southern Baghdad. American troops had also sneaked into the "demilitarized zone" nearest the border with Kuwait.

Despite US arrogance about its high tech and more powerful weapons, it expects to occupy Iraq if Iraqi soldiers voluntarily surrender. Simultaneous with an incessant campaign to terrorize the Iraqi people, the US has also been continuously spreading various kinds of disinformation, lies and sophistry. The US dropped at least 17 million propaganda leaflets in Iraq.

China and Russia immediately called for a stop to the bombing. They called the war of aggression illegitimate and unwarranted and a violation of UN policies and other international laws. Russia said that it was a grave error and ill-conceived.

On the other hand, France and Germany showed spinelessness in formerly strong opposition to aggression, they have seen fit to merely prepare for the huge number of casualties among Iraqi civilians. Worse, Germany said it would not stop US warplanes from using its airspace.

The UN has likewise emerged inutile in the face of the US' wanton violation of all of the forum's diplomatic and political processes.

As expected, the Philippines and South Korea, both US semicolonies, scrambled to extend support. Japan likewise sided with the US.

Turkey has also allowed the US to use its airspace for the attack. The Turkish ruling party has been able to maneuver the newly reorganized parliament into allowing the entry of an additional 60,000 American troops into the country. But even before the parliament had formally given its consent, the US continued smuggling in its forces and equipment to northern Iraq using Turkey's ports and facilities.

On the eve of the attack, the US was able to rely only on the UK and Spain, its most rabid allies. But even these countries confront intense opposition and strikes.

In the UK, some prominent members of Tony Blair's government resigned in succession after he declared his unconditional support for the US war. He has been repudiated by his own partymates and was able to muster parliament's approval only through the votes of the rival party. Many members of his party have been calling for his resignation.

It is the US, UK and Spain that have seen the biggest demonstrations and the broadest mass movements against the war of aggression on Iraq. The people in these countries also stand ready to continue resisting the war of aggression and make their officials accountable.


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22 March 2003
English Edition

Resist the US aggression in Iraq

The ogre has attacked
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Response to US armed intervention

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American soldiers in Central Panay

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