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Kultura Home Songs Ulos STR,
Ulos: Agosto 1999
Mga Tula
TOC Carnival

The cyclical carnival, a shield of gold Whirls on a tithing deluge of darkness Grasping and gathering the stars Into a violent net of neon, shrieking For reverence to the vendible ultimate.   The infinite shape, a playful palisade Of signboards of decent deceiving Is unlocked by a fee to the gainful gate That swallows like a courteous cat � The crownfront of bribeable bureaucrats Keeping the privateering spirit of general rules In the big bidding for space and building.   On the capital surface of the crowded circle Bright barkers interweave a fiery texture; The blaring pattern conceals the hammering hands That have built and bear it, Atlas-like. The monopoly tents in anarchic array Feature the best feats of client-conscious beasts. Politicians and professional specialists Do the tightrope and somersault, The role of horses, lions and elephants, Bear and chimpanzee. The pedants make good clowns on the periphery, Beside their castrate charms. The sideshadows offer freaks when funny, Taken funnily when serious And a monkey conducting a recorded symphony. The sideshows offer faithful fakes like The original snake of the forbidden tree And the boy with genitals overgrown. The peepshows augur more than ogled, Charity ladies giggling with gigolos; The maze of mirrors sate solipsists; The house of horrors offers free admittance Under the sponsorship of a softdrink company.   The scape and studied speech of ferriswheels, Flying saucers, swinging planes, roller coasters, And trains � all congeal the terrible season Of the carnival cosmos of gawkers And growing children that abandons the ground bald After coronation night of the moneyed muse.                          

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