The New People's Army is the revolutionary army of the Filipino people under the absolute leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines.

In carrying out the revolutionary armed struggle, the NPA follows the general line of the new democratic revolution through protracted people's war. It is the principal instrument in implementing the revolutionary program for land reform, the main democratic agenda of the people's revolution.

Red fighters of the NPA are principally drawn from among the peasant masses. The correctness and need to carry out revolutionary armed struggle and the justness of the work of the NPA also inspires workers, students-youth, teachers and other professionals to join the revolutionary army.

The NPA was established in March 29, 1969 with 60 Red fighters armed with 9 automatic rifles and 26 single-shot rifles and handguns. By carrying out tactical offensives, the NPA is able to accumulate arms and weaken the reactionary mercenary troops.

Currently, the NPA has a sum total of at least three divisions or nine brigades or 27 battalions of full-time Red fighters with high-powered rifles. These are augmented by tens of thousands in the people's militias and further on by hundreds of thousands in self-defense units of the mass organizations.

Membership is open to all persons aged 18 years old and above, physically and mentally fit, willing and ready to fight for freedom.
Win greater victories in the people's war!
"The NPA stands today as the largest revolutionary army built by the Filipino people nationwide... It has excelled as a force fighting the enemy, spreading revolutionary propaganda, organizing and mobilizing the masses in campaigns for advancing their national and democratic rights and interests. It is the main organization for defeating and overthrowing the reactionary state and for establishing the people's democratic government. It has succeeded in integrating the revolutionary armed struggle, land reform and mass base building." (from the Message of the CPP Central Committee on the NPA's 40th founding Anniversary)