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Interview with Ka Roger

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The staff of the Philippine Revolution Web Central visited the office of Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal last January to see how he was doing and to interview him regarding various issues and things. We hope that this interview helps clarify various issues facing the revolutionary movement, especially in the present time. The spokesperson of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) also indulged us and gave in to our request to get to know him a little better.
  • Who are the real terrorists?

    "The NPA is strictly forbidden to harm the people that they serve even in the slightest way. Thus, the NPA cannot become terrorist...

    "The objective of the enemy to freeze whatever bank deposits Ka Joema and the revolutionary movement have is insane (because it) failed in its expectations to cripple the revolutionary movement...

    "They may find themselves in a bind with this Gordian Knot...(The people) know that the NPA is a revolutionary army that is there to serve (them) unstintingly and to fight for (their) welfare. They participate in it and provide it with their best sons and daughters..."

  • Issues in waging revolution

    "...The reduction of land rent or increasing the tenants' share of the already being carried out extensively throughout the entire country...

    "Despite the intense repression of the reactionary state, the revolutionary movement strives to reach the greatest number of workers in the various enterprises throughout the country in order to advance their interests...

    "The peace that the regime, the reactionary government want, is a peace in which nobody objects, nobody speaks out--the peace of the graveyard..."

  • Expansion and advance

    "More than half of all congressional districts are covered by the more than 120 guerrilla fronts of the NPA and these are bound to increase in the next few years...

    "(The Party) is today the largest and most consolidated political party nationwide, especially compared to loose, intermittently active and bourgeois political parties that exist only for elections, such as the Lakas-NUCD, LDP and the like...

    "In the meantime, the revolutionary movement will give emphasis to further advancing people's struggles...

    "(Revolutionaries) are prepared to be of service no matter how long it takes, even to the point of offering their whole life, and even if it is only the succeeding generations who will be able to fully enjoy the changes effected...

    "If, at the present stage of the strategic defensive of people's war, the people have already been able to replace two presidents through people power, how much more when the revolutionary movement and struggle are at a more developed stage...

  • International

    "The problem is one and the same and the struggle of the people here is related to the struggle overseas...

    "The Party vigorously exchanges views and experiences with other parties about the various forms of revolutionary struggle and encourages other parties to develop the forms of revolutionary struggle suitable to their concrete conditions..."

  • Clarifications

    "If there comes a time when for various reasons and despite efforts to encourage a comrade to stay on, he or she refuses to carry on because he or she could no longer take it or could no longer fulfill his or her tasks, that person can freely and confidently resign or leave the organization...

    "...The consideration (in making 18 years of age the standard in recruiting NPA members) is no longer just international law but the need to make sure that those being recruited are not immature in their thinking but are of the right age and level of maturity, apart from other standards such as being active in the revolutionary movement, having undergone political education, being active in carrying out revolutionary tasks, being mentally and physically sound, with no bad record among the people, and being recommended by the Party branch and other masses in the locality, among others...

    "Revolutionary taxation is also necessary for the various social services within the scope of the people's government such as the programs for the people's health care, for the propagation of mass education and the development of people's culture, for the development of production and economic projects...

    "The bulk of revolutionary taxes - up to 90% - is collected from the exploiting and oppressing ruling classes. It is minimal and voluntary on the part of the democratic classes, especially on the part of the toiling masses...

    "(In carrying out revolutionary taxation,) issues are brought to the negotiation table. The TIU does not intimidate or make any personal threats. No bullet, black ribbon or black clothing is ever sent. All aspects of negotiations are carried out formally and with restraint...

    "If a person is ready to participate in struggle, and the only issue at hand is his or her chosen sexual orientation, why should you refuse him or her the right to join the revolution and become a member of the Party?..."

  • Daily routine

    "The daily life of the NPA consists of mingling with the masses, tirelessly conducting propaganda, imparting education, engaging in discussions and directly helping the masses in production and whatever work needs to be done in the homes of the masses. The comrades strive to participate in all of these chores--cooking, washing dishes, drawing water, chopping wood, cleaning, even solving family problems. The aim is to be able to help even with the smallest matters that are also important to the masses, up to resolving the biggest problems. The biggest, of course, is the problem of land...

    "...When revolutionaries persist in struggle and face the prospect of having their own families, their next obligation is not to allow bourgois and feudal ways and influences to prevail in building their families into revolutionary families...

    "In the life of the people's army, you can see a lot of gaiety and satisfaction, a lot of funny and pleasing things, many episodes that bring out smiles and warm the heart..."