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 Read in Pilipino 
  1. How important are relations of the Communist Party
    and revolutionary movement in the Philippines
    with other movements in other countries?

  2. How do the Party and the revolutionary movement
    contribute to the world proletarian revolution?

1. How important are relations of the Communist Party and revolutionary movement in the Philippines with other
movements in other countries?

In accordance with the principle of proletarian internationalism, the Communist Party of the Philippines goes all-out in relating, establishing fraternal relations and uniting with other communist parties and revolutionary movements in other countries because communists regard all of the proletariat in all corners of the world as class brothers and sisters, and
communists uphold all revolutionary struggles in all parts of the world. After all, the problem is one and the same and the struggle of the people here is related to the struggle overseas. We have one common enemy, the foremost enemy of the entire proletariat in the world today-imperialism under the leadership of the superpower US imperialism. Even in the US and other imperialist countries, we are one with the proletariat and people in opposing the US superpower and their respective imperialist governments. Communists and revolutionaries intend to form the united front of the world's peoples against imperialism and all reaction.

Strong global linkages have a particular importance to the Philippine revolution as a result of the strategic importance that US imperialism attaches to the Philippines especially in relation to the continuing US domination of the Asia-Pacific. We have seen this in the long history of US colonial and neocolonial rule of the Philippines.

The US is now redoubling its intervention in the country, not only in the economic and political aspects, but in the military aspect as well. In the name of "anti-terrorism," the US is using its purported fight with the Abu Sayyaf as a scapegoat to pave the way for its direct aggression against the revolutionary forces in the Philippines-in particular, against the NPA and the MILF.

US aggression intends to intensify the counterrevolutionary war in the Philippines and to test out its most advanced high tech weapons against guerrilla forces waging people's war. Of course, this will turn the present people's war into a national war against a foreign aggressor colluding with puppet troops, and the revolutionary forces and people intend to prove that it is people and not weapons that are decisive in the final analysis.

However, imperialist aggression raises the level of the war's internationalization. As such, the Philippine revolution will have greater need for global support-in the form of political support, diplomatic support, material and financial support, even moral support. We will rely on strong international work-in relating with Marxist-Leninist and other revolutionary and progressive parties and organizations; with the people of various countries and even with governments that may support the revolution, uphold peace or simply oppose imperialist aggression; and with global institutions and others that can help the Philippine revolution.TOP

2. How do the Party and the revolutionary movement contribute to the world proletarian revolution?

The Party and the Philippine revolution are making many important contributions to the world proletarian revolution.

Foremost is persevering in and advancing the new-democratic revolution in the Philippines and firmly upholding socialism at a time when imperialism boasts of the disintegration of the revisionist regimes and is now strutting about as the sole superpower in the world. In this way, the CPP and the revolutionary movement provide an excellent example and inspiration to other revolutionary forces in other countries to advance their struggle against imperialism and reaction and for national liberation, democracy and socialism.

In over 30 years, the Philippine new-democratic revolution has shown to the whole world that it is possible and necessary to wage a protracted people's war in a semicolonial and semifeudal country which serves as an important anchor of US imperialism in the Asia-Pacific. This has brought a high level of prestige to the Party and the Philippine revolution.

The Party and the revolutionary movement in the Philippines count among those most ready and with the highest confidence to take advantage of the rapidly worsening crisis in the country and the world in order to further advance the revolutionary struggle and achieve victory in the next decades.

The Party and the revolutionary movement exert special effort to encourage and actually help in preparing and developing people's war, especially in semifeudal and semicolonial countries. Together with this, the Party vigorously exchanges views and experiences with other parties about the various forms of revolutionary struggle and encourages other parties to develop the forms of revolutionary struggle suitable to their concrete conditions.

The Party shares its successful experiences--the struggle against successive puppet governments, and overcoming internal problems such as the grave disorientation during the 1980s up to 1992. Likewise, it shares how it avoided
being struck by turmoil or shaken when the regimes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe fell and when China reversed course and restored capitalism since the death of Chairman Mao Zedong. A unified view was formed as to how to approach what the enemy regarded as the downfall of socialism. The Party clarified that it was not socialism but the revisionist regimes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe that collapsed.

The Party also makes significant contributions in international gatherings to clarify the Marxist-Leninist stand against imperialism, revisionism and fascism and raise the level of understanding and cooperation among communist parties. The contribution of the Party is significant in standing for socialism against imperialism and modern revisionism by means of firmly carrying the anti-revisionist line in theory and practice at the present time, in its publications, and in conferences of communist parties that it attends.

The Party also makes big contributions in clarifying the anti-imperialist stand against "free market" globalization and wars of aggression. The Party exposes the truth that imperialism is decadent and moribund, that it is being shaken by a deep crisis, and that in its greed and desperation it is derangedly resorting to the worst forms of terrorism and aggression. The Party upholds broad anti-imperialist movements of national and international scope.

While the Party and Filipino revolutionaries correctly concentrate on waging revolution in their own country, they always strive to to their best to implement the principle of proletarian internationalism, as well as the principle of broad anti-imperialist unity in the international united front.

This is the reason why fraternal parties and peoples struggling in other countries want very much to undertake mutual studies and mutual sharing of revolutionary experiences here in the Philippines. In fact, there are many foreigners who enter guerrilla fronts to witness how the revolutionary struggle advances here.TOP


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