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Intensifying fascism in the cities:
Violent dispersals and dismantling of pickets

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

As the fascist military and police aggressively attack the people and revolutionary forces in the countryside, the just and legitimate aspirations of the progressive and legal democratic forces in the cities are likewise met with military force.

On February 12, the picket line of protesting employees of the Manila Hotel was forcefully broken on orders of Chief Supt. Edgardo Aglipay, PNP-National Capital Region Director. Many members of the Manila Hotel Employees' Association (MHEA) were hurt in the dispersal conducted by about 150 members of the Western Police District, Central Police District and Special Weapons and Tactics Team. Twelve others, including MHEA president Ferdinand Barles, were arrested and charged.

Despite the violent dispersal, the Manila Hotel employees and their supporters are continuing their protests. The regime, however, persistently meets their demands with an iron fist.

On February 14, they were again violently dispersed. Crispin Beltran and Arnaldo Seminiano of the Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU), Teddy Casi�o of the Bagong Alyansang Makabayan and Peter Banatan, an MHEA member, were arrested. Before this, 300 members of the KMU, Anakbayan and League of Filipino Students (LFS) were hosed down with water cannons in front of the Pilipinas Shell in Makati on February 4 while protesting the new round of oil price increases. The demonstrators were bludgeoned with truncheons. Thirty were reported hurt in this incident. Simultaneously, students protesting in front of the US Embassy were violently dispersed. The students were hit with truncheons in response to their condemnation of the ongoing "Balikatan 2000".

On January 27, four protesters were arrested after the police violently dispersed a rally in front of Malaca�ang by students from the LFS, College Editors Guild of the Philippines, National Union of Students of the Philippines and Anakbayan. They were demanding an increase in the education budget.

At the House of the Representatives on January 10, Congress security dragged away student activists right in the presence of the congressmen. The students were protesting cuts in the budget of the University of the Philippines and other state colleges and universities.

Intensifying open fascism in the cities is a state policy to stifle the people's rage.


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January 2000
English Edition

The people and the revolutionary movement will defeat the US-Estrada regime's military solution

On intensifying AFP aggression against the MILF-BIAF
Prisoners of war:
The US-Estrada regime is sabotaging the release of Martin and Buan

13 Victorious tactical offensives launched in Southern Tagalog!
A big head blow through accumulated small victories
Onward to 2000
NPA tactical offensives resume in Negros
The US-Estrada regime's blatant fascist and terrorist rule in Southern Tagalog
Armando "Ka Sixto" Cerna Jr.:
Victim of the fascist regime's cruelty

Balikatan 2000:
Intensified militarization in Central Luzon

Intensifying fascism in the cities:
Violent dispersals and dismantling of pickets
Thorough degeneration of the old party:
The fascist Baguisa clique

Norberto Manero:
Portrait of a mercenary and cold-blooded murderer

Conrado Balweg punished
Cagayan Valley:
Overcoming conservatism and advancing anew

Russian aggression in Chechnya:
Expanding the Russian empire

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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