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Developments Overseas
Cuba braces itself for US invasion

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Up to a million people demonstrated in the Cuban capital of Havana on May 14 to expose and oppose new measures taken by the US government to pressure Cuba and the government of Pres. Fidel Castro. In the face of the US' intensified pressure and threats of an invasion, the people's government has raised the military preparedness of the 11.2 million Cubans.

US Pres. George W. Bush has recently tightened the US trade embargo against Cuba that has been in force for more than four decades. The Bush regime also allocated an initial $59 million for various activities and operations to attack the Carribean country. The largest portion ($36 million) was earmarked to fund counterrevolutionary groups inside Cuba. Meanwhile, $18 million was allocated for a military plane that would regularly fly within Cuban airspace to broadcast propaganda against the Castro government.

Restrictions on dollar remittances of Cubans living in the US to their relatives in the island were heightened. The remittances that come to $1.2 billion annually are a significant help to the Cuban economy. The US had previously allowed annual visits by American-based Cubans to their families in Cuba, but has since reduced this to one visit in three years.

Even those who oppose Castro's leadership strongly condemn the US' most recent anti-democratic and counterrevolutionary measures.


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21 May 2004
English Edition

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Developments Overseas
Cuba braces itself for US invasion
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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