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Notorious Isabela mayor punished

A team of Red fighters punished on April 22, Jesus Sebastian Sr., notorious mayor of Jones, Isabela. He was about to enter his office at the Jones municipal hall when he was punished. His police bodyguards were unable to do anything as they were immediately shot at and disarmed by the NPA.

In a statement by Ka Delio Baladon, spokesman of the NPA Benito Tesorio Front (BTF) in Isabela, Sebastian was meted punishment because of his rabid advocacy of AFP military operations (particularly of the 5th ID), violations of human rights, corruption and grabbing of lands from farmers. Among others, he was guilty of grabbing peasants� lands for a coffee plantation of Nestl�, allowing the field testing of Bt corn in Barangay Diarao, Jones, recruiting CAFGU elements and stealing from the government�s coffers. He was also the protector of the notorious Liberty Logging Corporation that was meted punishment by the NPA in September 2000 because of its destructive logging operations in Jones.

15 killed in Davao and Samar ambushes

Thirteen soldiers and two policemen were killed and four others were wounded in four separate ambuscades launched by the NPA in Davao and Samar.

At least 10 soldiers were killed in an ambush by NPA guerrillas on attacking troops of the 60th IB in a forested and mountainous area of Boston, Davao Oriental on April 4.

Two policemen were killed and one more wounded in an ambush by Red fighters in the second week of April in Kiblawan, Davao del Sur.

Meanwhile, in Western Samar, two soldiers were killed and a CAFGU element was wounded after Red fighters ambushed a seven-man team of the 52nd IB in Barangay Madalunot, Pinabacdao on April 2.

Prior to this, a soldier was killed and two were wounded when the NPA ambushed a platoon of the 72nd IB in Talaingod, Davao del Norte on April 1.

Punitive actions conducted

Red fighters in Cebu punished the Rough Rider Bus Company on March 31 because of its adamant refusal to pay revolutionary taxes. The punitive action was conducted when the NPA torched two Rough Rider passenger buses in two separate incidents in Sitio Kampatok, Barangay Dalid, Tuburan and Barangay Kinawahan, San Remigio. Rough Rider was also punished for its refusal to assist victims of accidents involving the company.

Meanwhile, the NPA continued meting out revolutionary justice on elements with grave crimes against the people and the revolutionary movement.

Punished on April 3 was Majayjay, Laguna deputy police chief SPO4 Brandon Garcia, five days after SPO2 Ernesto Garcia, also a policemen from the same town, was meted punishment. On March 31, PO3 Ernesto Barrete who was detailed at the PNP provincial office, was punished in Compostela Valley. Punished on March 30 in Barangay Trinidad, Guihulngan, Negros Oriental was former CAFGU element Nicodemus Magallano. Prior to this, Emmanuel Quizon, a notorious element of the Civilian Armed Auxiliary Company under the 42nd IB was punished on March 29 in Pasacao, Quezon.

Killing of Karapatan official condemned

The Alliance for the Advancement of People�s Rights (Karapatan) and Reporters Without Borders, an international organization that advocates press freedom, condemned the killing by 12th Special Forces troops of Benjaline Hernandez, 22, and her three companions. Hernandez was the deputy secretary general of Karapatan in Southern Mindanao and a former writer at the Ateneo de Davao University. She and her companions Crisanto Amora, Vivian Andrade and Labaon Sinunday were civilians killed by soliders in Sitio Bukatol, Barangay Kinawayan, Arakan, North Cotabato on April 5. They were first captured by the soldiers and later shot at close range.

DHUD opposed by NHA employees

More than 3,000 employess of the National Housing Authority from Metro Manila, Bacolod, Cebu, Cagayan de Oro, Baguio, Davao and Tacloban protested on March 21 against the formation of the Department of Housing and Urban Development "super-agency". The workers said that this would not solve the problems of 25.2 million Filipinos who do not have houses. Instead, the new office would merely serve as a milking cow of corrupt government officials.

Closure of Bombo Radyo in Isabela condemned

Progressive forces, church people and other sectors condemned the forcible closure by Cauayan, Isabela mayor Ceasar Dy of Bombo Radyo-Cauayan. Bombo Radyo has been known for its expos�s of anomalies and acts of violence involving the Dy family. Dy used armed men to enter Bombo Radyo-Cauayan�s premises on February 12 and cut off its connection. Dy accused Bombo Radyo of operating without a license despite the fact that the station has been broadcasting for 33 years.

Coup in Venezuela fails

The coup d��tat in Venezuela that temporarily ousted president Hugo Chavez on April 12 has failed. The coup was launched after a three-day strike supported by big business that culminated in bloody rioting. The putschists had set up a civilian-military junta that served as an interim government. Chavez was able to return to power after anti-coup demonstrations broke out on April 13.

The failed coup was instigated by the US to oust Chavez after he refused to sell PVDSA to US company giant Chevron. PVDSA is the biggest oil company in Venezuela owned by the government. Contrary to the US� wishes, Chavez also continues to maintain relations with Fidel Castro and supplies cheap oil to Cuba. Chavez also maintains relations with Moammar Qaddafi of Libya, Saddam Hussein of Iraq and FARC, the revolutionary group in Colombia. Venezuela is the third biggest supplier of oil to the US.

Massive strike launched in Italy

Up to 13 million workers or more than half of Italy�s labor force, launched a massive strike on April 16. The workers assailed plans by the Berlusconi government to change labor laws to make it easier to fire workers.

The eight-hour strike organized by the three biggest unions in Italy covered 75-90% of factories and most stores, airports, transportation, schools, the media and others. Two million people likewise launched a march-rally in various parts of Italy. Prior to this, two million workers had rallied in Rome on March 23.


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April 2002
English Edition

Workers, lead the struggle to thoroughly isolate the Macapagal-Arroyo regime!

Workers Unite!
1902-1930: Distinguished history class and anti-imperialist struggle of the labor movement in the Philippines

Workers Unite!
DOLE Order 18-02: Advocating contractualization

Workers Unite!
Workers� oppression under contractualization

Workers Unite!
Contractualization at SM

Workers Unite!
Anti-worker decisions of the Supreme Court

Workers Unite!
Worsening unemployment

Balikatan 02-2 starts
Plunder by the Marcoses being consigned to oblivion
Reports from Correspondents:
Company punished, cops ambushed in Agusan del Norte

Reports from Correspondents:
Revolutionary movement in Northeastern Luzon hailing its victories

Reports from Correspondents:
Human rights violations worsening under the Macapagal-Arroyo regime

Desperate attack by Israel on Palestine
Israel�s unbridled terrorism in Palestine
The whole world condemns renewed attacks by Israel on Palestine
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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