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Correspondence Reports:
NPA Victories in Eastern Visayas

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The New People's Army (NPA) continues to reap victories in guerrilla warfare in Eastern Visayas (EV).

In a statement, Jose Sumuroy, spokesperson of the Efren Martires Command (EMC) of EV, said that out of extreme desperation, the enemy always conceals or else downplays news on the offensives and victories of the NPA in the armed struggle. The 8th ID merely invents its own victories.

The EMC cited an ambush by the NPA's Orland Colima Command on a platoon of the 52nd IB in Amentacop, Borongan, Eastern Samar on May 5. The 8th ID did not even say a word about it, says the EMC. Two soldiers were killed and another wounded in the firefight. An M14, an M16 and ammunition were also confiscated.

On the other hand, the 8th ID fed a made-up story to the region's mass media boasting that troops of the 20th IB had killed seven Red

fighters in an attack on a camp of the NPA Rodante Urtal Command in Palanit, San Isidro, Northern Samar on May 6. The truth is, says Sumuroy, the NPA was already alerted to the enemy's presence early on. Hence, it was able to take an advantageous position and frustrate the enemy attack.

Sumuroy also assailed the commander of the fascist troops for his lack of regard for the lives of his men as he repeatedly ordered them to advance despite the big advantage the Red fighters had and the fact that casualties among the soldiers were mounting. No one was killed or wounded among the guerrillas.

Sumuroy said that the NPA is able to prevail even in defensive battles because of its high fighting spirit and iron discipline, its mastery of the terrain, and the support it enjoys among the peasant masses.

He further said that the people support the NPA because they know that it is their principal instrument for realizing national and social liberation, is highly principled and very disciplined. On the other hand, the people despise the AFP because of its fascist brutality and mercenary character as the reactionary instrument of foreign and local exploiters and oppressors.


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21 June 2004
English Edition

Worsening economic crisis

Instability to mark GMA's rule
Fascist state on a rampage:
Murder cases filed against the military

International Day of the Disappeared commemorated
New AFP anomaly exposed
NPA launches anti-malaria campaign
Government Neglect
Correspondence Reports:
NPA Victories in Eastern Visayas
Victorious NPA offensives:
NPA seizes 56 firearms in raids

Victorious NPA offensives:
Angat police chief meted punishment

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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