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 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

GRP obstructs formal resumption of peace talks�NDF

the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) assailed the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP), particularly Gloria Arroyo, for obstructing the formal resumption of peace talks with the NDFP.

In a statement dated April 2, NDFP International Information Office executive director Ruth de Leon said that the GRP violated provisions of The Hague Joint Declaration on respect for national sovereignty when it colluded with the US to include the CPP, NPA and NDFP chief consultant Comrade Jose Maria Sison in its so-called terrorist listing.

The GRP has likewise intensified its violation of the human rights of suspected revolutionaries, legal personalities and organizations and the broad masses of the people. Worse, the GRP has violated the human rights of persons authorized to participate in the peace negotiations by filing criminal cases against them and illegally detaining them. The NDFP likewise cited in particular, assassination attempts on Comrade Sison and NDFP chief legal counsel Atty. Romeo Capulong.

The NDFP also assailed the GRP for forming a sham panel that has done nothing but push for the NDFP's surrender and the declaration of a ceasefire of indefinite duration.

Walden Bello put to shame in Canada

Pseudo-progressive Walden Bello, who poses as an anti-globalization activist, was embarrassed no end when Filipino-Canadian youth he had earlier scorned as belonging to "faceless groups allegedly representing the Filipino community" staged a rally as he tried to speak at a forum against imperialist war in Vancouver, Canada on March 19.

The youth groups exposed Bello's antipeople positions, especially his latest tirades against democratic organizations in the Philippines that he branded as "fronts of the Communist Party of the Philippines" and his continuing campaign to slander the CPP, NDFP and Comrade Jose Maria Sison. They also assailed the silence of Bello and the like on the successive killings of leaders and members of democratic groups in the past three months.

The Canadian-based groups said Bello told an outright lie in claiming that he supported the peace talks between the GRP and the NDFP in answer to a question on the issue. He failed to mention that his Akbayan party has been actively pushing for the NDFP's capitulation. Akbayan has served as one of the militarist Arroyo regime's partners in its campaign against the revolutionary movement in the Philippines.


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07 April 2005
English Edition

The US-Arroyo regime is digging its own grave

Fascist state on a rampage:
Broader resistance to the US-Arroyo regime's fascist crimes

Fascist state on a rampage:
NPA to investigate Esperat's murder

Heinous details of the Camp Bagong Diwa massacre
Most of them are innocent
Paul Wolfowitz: A disciple of neoconservatism at the World Bank
US intervention in Kyrgyzstan
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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