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Defend Comrade Joema

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Progressive youth led by Anakbayan picketed the Dutch embassy in Makati on September 24 to demand the resumption of subsidies due a political refugee to Comrade Jose Ma. Sison, Senior Political Consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP). The protesters brought a symbolic �care package� of canned goods, rice, medicines, drinking water and others to be sent to Sison.

Anakbayan likewise launched the campaign �Piso para kay Prof. Joema� in support of Comrade Sison whom they described as �a good teacher, a true freedom fighter, a good friend, father and comrade�.

On August 25, relatives, comrades and friends of the Sison family and other members of the NDFP peace panel gathered in Quezon City. They belied the US� and the Macapagal-Arroyo regime�s �terrorist� designation of the revolutionary movement and demanded an immediate stop to the regime�s campaign to discredit the NDFP. GRP peace panel members Atty. Rene Sarmiento and Rep. Jose �Apeng� Yap also attended the gathering. Sen. Loren Legarda sent a message of solidarity where she described Ka Joema and comrades as �a special breed of Filipinos�.

On September 25, members of the Philippine Solidarity Groups-Belgium protested before the Dutch embassy. They slept on the street to assail the criminalization of the Philippine mass movement and the Dutch government�s squeeze campaign against Prof. Jose Ma. Sison. They likewise launched the �1 euro for Sison� campaign for his basic needs and legal funds.

On September 21, twenty-three members of the European Parliament expressed support for Ka Joema. In a petition brought before the Dutch government, they called for the removal of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People�s Army from the list of �terrorist organizations�. They said the inclusion of the CPP and the NPA in the list prejudices the peace negotiations between the NDFP and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines which the European Parliament has long supported and promoted. The signatories were from Denmark, France, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.

In a press conference on September 18, Archbishop Joris Vercammen of the Old Catholic Church of Utrecht and Dominee Hans Visser of the Paulus Kerk of Rotterdam voiced support for Ka Joema�s struggle. Visser branded as �stupid� the Dutch government�s decision to stop giving subsidies to Sison. He also described as �ridiculous� the comparison of Ka Joema to Osama bin Laden.

Meanwhile, Sison�s supporters in India demonstrated before the Dutch embassy in Chanakyapuri, New Delhi on September 26. Police arrested over 100 activists who brought a petition letter to the Dutch government demanding the reinstatement of the rights of Comrade Joema as a political refugee.

In Vancouver, Canada, migrant Filipinos picketed the Dutch embassy in support of Ka Joema and to denounce US terrorism. They also submitted a petition letter in defense of Ka Joema.

The activities in defense of Ka Joema are coordinated by the Committee DEFEND. Information regarding his case and struggle can be found at www.defendsison.be.

Ang Bayan released on September 22 a special issue on this matter.


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October 2002
English Edition

Raise the level of the growing patriotic united front

Guingona�s voice of patriotism
Military bases ouster commemorated
Top Story:
Successful tactical offensives of the NPA

Bush warmongering against Iraq continues
Bush: Hitler, threat to peace
US: Threat to the security and independence of nations
Opposition to war on Iraq spreads
The Arroyo couple�s scandalous corruption
The Mike Arroyo-NAD conspiracy
Land-occupation in northwestern Leyte:
Unity and resolute resistance

The capitulation and criminality of the RPM-RPA-ABB
Defend Comrade Joema
On the terrorism of US imperialism and the Macapagal-Arroyo regime
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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