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Southern Tagalog�s cultural squad:
Bannering revolutionary art

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

They traverse guerrilla fronts and zones-carrying on the task of propagating and advancing revolutionary culture in Southern Tagalog. They promote the different art and literary forms like music, theater and other performing arts, visual arts and poetry among others. They are the cultural cadres and activists comprising the cultural squad of Southern Tagalog.

The cultural squad was formed by the regional Party leadership in 1997 in response to the pressing need to advance revolutionary cultural work along with other tasks. This is also in keeping with the challenge to develop and mold the Red army into a cultural army. Within the framework of the people's army, the cultural squad serves as a detachment of the Artista at Manunulat ng Sambayanan (ARMAS) in Southern Tagalog.

The cultural squad plays an important role in the further consolidation of mass organizations and NPA units in Southern Tagalog. Among their tasks is taking part in the formation and strengthening of cultural committees and ARMAS chapters in the people's army and in barrios undergoing consolidation. In their tour of the different guerrilla fronts and zones where they carry out mass work, they conduct study sessions and trainings to develop the artistic and literary skills of local activists and NPA fighters.

The squad also publishes Dagitab, the regional cultural magazine of Southern Tagalog. They diligently gather and compile contributed works of comrades and the masses such as poems, essays, stories, songs and illustrations. Works that are the result of trainings conducted in different guerrilla fronts have been published in Dagitab.

The squad oversaw the release of two compilations of revolutionary songs in cassettes: "Dakilang Hamon" (Great Challenge) in 1997 and "Alab ng Digmang Bayan" (Fervor of People's War) in 1999. These compilations have been instrumental in the promotion of revolutionary songs not only in Southern Tagalog but in other regions as well.

The cultural squad also leads performances during the Party and NPA anniversaries and other select occasions. It maintains links and cooperates with some progressive cultural groups in urban areas.

The masses and comrades in the region warmly appreciate the revolutionary movement's efforts to advance and put into practice a national, scientific and mass-oriented culture in its day-today struggle. The sustained conduct of cultural work is expected to further strengthen the unity between the broad masses of the people and the people's army.


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July 2000
English Edition

Intensified fascist attacks showcase the further decay of the US-Estrada regime

Estrada's proposed "emergency powers":
Betraying the regime's worsening crisis of rule

Intensifying fascism in Metro Manila
Fascism against the LRT workers
The July 22 SOMO is malicious
502nd Brigade:
Scourge of Isabela

Abduction and illegal detention of Nomer Kuan and Romeo Sanchez
The US-Estrada regime's housing program:
Deception and violence against Metro Manila's poor

Justice for the victims of Payatas!
San Roque Multipurpose Dam Project:
Gigantic burden to the people

Lessons from the Hacienda Looc struggle
Southern Tagalog�s cultural squad:
Bannering revolutionary art
Amid "unprecedented prosperity" in the US:
Oppression and wretchedness among the American workers and people

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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