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October 1, 1999:
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese Revolution

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

On October 1, the Chinese people and all proletarian revolutionaries around the world, including the Communist Party of the Philippines, will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese Revolution led by Comrade Mao Zedong and the Communist Party of China.

Let us use this celebration as an opportunity to review the lessons of waging the two-stage revolution in China; condemn and repudiate modern revisionism and the current monopoly bureaucrat capitalist regime in China; expose the crisis of the global capitalist system; and reaffirm the continuing correctness of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and socialism.

The democratic revolution in China led by the Communist Party of China triumphed in 1949. It liberated one-sixth of the people of the entire world from feudal exploitation and imperialist rule. It dealt a heavy blow to the global capitalist system. It inspired and enlightened oppressed peoples in different parts of the world to fight colonialism and semicolonialism and achieve national and social liberation.

The democratic people's government in China led by the proletarian dictatorship was established in 1949. The democratic revolution was consummated through the implementation of land reform and transitional policies that allowed the participation of the middle and petty bourgeoisie in the strengthening of the democratic republic.

The leadership of the Communist Party of China ensured that these policies of the democratic revolution served to pave the way for socialist revolution and construction.

From the end of the 1950s up to 1976, the Party and the several hundred million Chinese people persevered in building a socialist society in line with Marxist-Leninist principles. During this time, the Chinese people achieved advances in the political, economic, cultural and other aspects of social life.

Various attempts by the modern revisionists to overthrow the dictatorship of the proletariat, reverse the victories of the Chinese revolution and restore capitalism were thwarted. Chairman Mao pointed out that the principal contradiction in socialist society is the class contradiction between the working class and the bourgeoisie. Under socialist society, the big bourgeoisie could regenerate through unremolded petty bourgeois elements within the Party and state who propagate modern revisionist ideas and policies that, if unrepudiated and unrectified, could eventually lead to bureaucratism, fascism and the overthrow of the proletarian dictatorship.

Thus, in order to strengthen and advance the socialist revolution, Chairman Mao enunciated the theory of continuing revolution under proletarian dictatorship to crush modern revisionism and prevent the restoration of capitalism.

The correctness of this theory was demonstrated in practice by the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in 1966-76 which mobilized millions upon millions in a revolutionary storm, overthrew the modern revisionists in power and defended the victories of the socialist revolution.

After Chairman Mao passed away, the modern revisionists were able to return to power through maneuvers and the direct use of counterrevolutionary violence against the proletarian dictatorship. Socialist policies were immediately reversed. The bourgeoisie were given a widening political and economic role, which opened China to imperialist exploitation. All these capitalist policies were hidden behind "socialist" phrase mongering.

Conditions in China are ripe for reigniting the revolutionary struggle led by the proletariat. Due to the policies of the modern revisionists, China has deteriorated to the status of a semicolonial state. Hundreds of millions of workers and peasants are being scourged by policies designed to attract foreign investors. Land has been reconcentrated in the hands of a few, with large tracts being transformed into export zones. The wages received by Chinese workers are the lowest in the world. Hundreds of millions are unemployed in both the cities and countryside. Vast areas of the countryside are being rocked by peasant uprisings even as workers' strikes and other forms of protests in the cities intensify.

In celebrating the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese revolution, it would be propitious to contrast the advances achieved by China in 1949-76 under proletarian dictatorship to the present crisis under bureaucrat capitalist rule. To do this, it is important to grasp the lessons of waging a two-stage revolution, especially the theories culled by Chairman Mao in his summing-up of socialist revolution and construction in China. This will serve as our weapon in exposing the mendacity of counterrevolutionary imperialist propaganda that paint present-day China as a modern country and its socialist past as primitivism.

The crisis of the global capitalist system and the consequent unbearable suffering of workers and peasants further emphasize the correctness of advancing along the path of democratic and socialist revolutions. The triumph of the Chinese revolution in 1949 continues to illumine the paths of the oppressed peoples of the world. It remains a beacon guiding us as we advance together with the resurgent and gigantic wave of democratic and socialist revolutions the world over.


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October 1, 1999:
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese Revolution
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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