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Arouse, organize and mobilize women for the revolution!

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The importance of the Party and the entire revolutionary movement's task to arouse, organize and mobilize the millions of women from the toiling masses, petty bourgeoisie and other democratic classes in Philippine society cannot be underestimated.

The Party has grown stronger by increasing the number of women Party members and leaders. The increasing role of women in the Party, people's army and the revolutionary mass organizations serves as an inspiration to other women as well as to men in general.

It would be a great loss to the Party and the Philippine revolution if constant attention were not given to drawing the women masses in their numbers to join the revolution and continuously develop them as revolutionaries.

It is in the objective interest of women from the exploited and oppressed classes and sectors to wage revolution. It is only through revolutionary means that the roots of the exploitation and oppression they suffer can be eradicated. Only revolutionary change can extricate the obdurate economic, political, ideological and socio-cultural roots of the gender and class oppression suffered by the women masses.

But this will not come to pass unless women themselves take action. Women's liberation is a key issue in people's liberation.

To ensure and render effective the task of arousing, organizing and mobilizing women from the democratic classes in their numbers, the Party grasps their particular political, economic and cultural problems as well as family or domestic issues.

The Party adapts by utilizing creative means of waging propaganda, organizing and mobilizing that genuinely address women's interests.

The Party leads and advances a revolutionary women's movement that gives particular attention to their demands. Through this movement, the Party pays attention to the struggle against the exploitative and oppressive relations that bind women to a life of misery and oppression. Thus, women's strength, energy and initiative are given free rein in the service of the struggle.

Women are systematically organized into associations set up in the countryside and cities that serve as deep reservoirs of activists and Red fighters. The most advanced elements from their ranks are recruited into the Party.

In advancing the revolutionary women's movement and through its ever growing contribution to various fields of struggle, the Party and the revolutionary movement also become stronger as a whole.

Together with mobilizing and organizing the women masses in their numbers, the Party also strives to systematically and continuously develop and consolidate cadres and activists from among their ranks.

The key is to forge unity among revolutionary couples, the units they belong to, and the revolutionary movement in general on the need to address particular problems pertaining to supporting the family which, if not addressed, would hinder the involvement of women comrades in revolutionary action.

A particular issue involves child rearing and child care. Whenever this issue is not properly dealt with, it usually impedes couples' continuous involvement in the revolution, with the wife's revolutionary involvement and development being the first to be sacrificed.

Thus, the Party strives to develop step-by-step a support system geared towards liberating women from being tied down by family and livelihood issues.

Certain sections of the Party organization have come a long way in improving efforts to provide economic, ideological and psychological support for the families of comrades who work full-time for the revolution. It is important that other sections of our organization catch up with respect to paying attention to, and exerting efforts, towards this end.

Like any other revolutionary undertaking, the most effective means of doing this is to harness the organized masses' strength and vitality. Caring for and nurturing the next generation of revolutionaries should be a vigorous mass movement.

Beyond striving to address material needs, it is important to continuously raise the level of consciousness regarding the task of supporting revolutionary families. Part of it involves developing the revolutionary consciousness of children, of their caregivers as well as other family members and fellow villagers. Children, in particular, can perform various revolutionary tasks to develop their minds, knowledge and practice.

It is likewise necessary to raise the consciousness of comrades regarding women's liberation and raising revolutionary families so as to forge the ideological unity needed to advance these efforts. Collective responsibility is also a must, as well as the assistance of concerned units with respect to these issues.

Above all, the greatest assurance that the particular interests of women are addressed both within and outside the revolution is for the revolutionary women's movement to strengthen itself.

Let us continue to encourage even more women to embrace the revolution and continue to raise the level of their revolutionary involvement. Our victory in this arena is a kindred victory of the revolutionary movement for women's and people's liberation.


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07 March 2004
English Edition

Arouse, organize and mobilize women for the revolution!
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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