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Correspondent Reports:
Daba-Daba blazes in Panay

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Among the Party's principal stresses in propaganda work in Panay is the efficient and mass reproduction and distribution of Ang Bayan (AB) as the Party's newspaper and Daba-Daba ("blaze" in Hiligaynon) as the revolutionary mass newspaper in the island.

First published as the revolutionary mass newspaper in Northern Panay in February 1977, Daba-Daba became the regional paper in June 1981. Since then, Daba-Daba has deeply rooted itself among the island's masses as the publication that banners the revolutionary movement's stand and calls on many issues.

The masses fully supported Daba-Daba. Their contributions for the publication were ready each time their copy arrived.

It had become the leading source of news and information about current events as well as national and regional issues and developments in the revolutionary movement in the cities and the countryside.

At the same time, AB was continuously translated, reproduced and circulated in the region.

Due to the influence of the erroneous line in the 1980s, Daba-Daba began to come out less frequently until it stopped publication altogether in 1987. It was published once more in February 1998 owing to the Party's Second Great Rectification Movement.

Daba-Daba began to be published quarterly with 12 to 16 pages. It also released four to six page-special issues containing analyses and calls on burning issues.

This year, in accordance with the directive of the Party's national leadership regarding AB's more frequent release, the regional Party leadership decided to prioritize AB's reproduction and distribution as the main publication distributed in the region.

The region likewise decided that Daba-Daba be released as AB's regional section, reporting the revolutionary movement's calls and stand on local issues. It also publishes news about the mass movement in the cities and countryside of Panay not covered by AB's reporting.

Daba-Daba is now published based on the region's needs as decided by the Party's regional leadership. It has so far released two five- to six-page issues (March 7 and August 21) attached to AB's regular issue.

Daba-Daba also releases special issues from time to time even as it looks forward to coming out separately from AB when this becomes necessary and it has already developed the capability to do so.

Daba-Daba maintains its masthead to give it a distinct identity as a regional mass newspaper.

The "Caduy" comic strip, a regular section of Daba-Daba that is popular with the readership has also been maintained. "Caduy" is a popular nickname for young boys in Antique.

With this arrangement, the revolutionary movement is able to consolidate, streamline and maximize its machinery, resources and means to reproduce and distribute Party publications as well as the regional mass newspaper. The Daba-Daba staff now has more opportunity to devote its attention to regional issues. Based on the regional situation, it can particularize the analysis of national issues which come out of AB's pages.

The efforts of AB editors in tackling regional issues and news through correspondence reports have also been helpful.

There are still problems and issues that need to be attended to. One of them is publishing Daba-Daba more frequently to respond to the growing pace of revolutionary work and the enemy's intensifying counterrevolutionary propaganda in the region.

There is also need for tighter coordination between the AB and Daba-Daba editorial staffs and to pay particular attention to the content of both newspapers, especially regarding news from the region.


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07 November 2003
English Edition

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Correspondent Reports:
Daba-Daba blazes in Panay
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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