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Lumads demand end of government's war in Mindanao

Lumads called on the Arroyo government to stop its war in Mindanao. This year alone, about 80,000 lumads have been victimized by the war. The lumads aired their demands in a forum in Kidapawan City at the close of the observance of Tribal Filipino Month in the last week of October.

Over 20 people's organizations participated in the activity. They assailed the government for turning a deaf ear to their demands.

According to Minda Acat, a lumad leader, they are the main victims of the "war against terrorism" in Mindanao. Large numbers of lumads have lost their homes, farms and crops.

GABRIELA marches against Arroyo's plan in 2004

Hundreds of members of GABRIELA launched a National Women's Day of Protest on October 28. Women from the ranks of workers, peasants, youth and other sectors marched from Mabuhay Rotonda to Mendiola to express their opposition to Pres. Gloria Arroyo's bid to stay in power beyond 2004.

Prior to this, GABRIELA held its 9th congress and celebrated the organization's 20th anniversary. It also honored courageous women who fought the Marcos dictatorship.

7 die in cholera epidemic in Tondo

Seven residents of Tondo, Manila have died and 576 have been hospitalized due to a cholera epidemic that has ravaged 11 barangays in the area since October 23.

The Maynilad Water Services, Inc. and the government of Manila are now washing their hands of any responsibility over the appalling water services that triggered the epidemic. In spite of high water bills charged the consumers, old and leaking water pipes highly susceptible to bacterial and viral contamination are common. The environment is also polluted because of the heaps of garbage that local governments fail to dispose of.

VFA Commission official sacked

Pres. Gloria Arroyo recently sacked Usec. Amado Valdez, executive director of the Presidential Commission on the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA), because he continued to assert the imposition of disciplinary action on three drunken American soldiers involved in a traffic accident in Zamboanga City in September.

Valdez stated this to reporters on October 28. Another reason was Valdez's stand for the country's rights in the implementation of the VFA.

Bush's visit to Asia reaps protests

Contrary to his plan to garner total support for his "war against terrorism," Pres. George W. Bush reaped vehement protests during his whirlwind tour of six countries in Asia.

Thailand. Just as what happened during his visits to Japan and the Philippines, Thai activists assailed Bush as he attended the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit on October 19-21 in Bangkok, the country's capital. About 1,000 people marched in the streets to demonstrate their opposition to globalization and the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq by American forces. Meanwhile, police prevented 3,000 demonstrators from the provinces from entering Bangkok.

Indonesia. Hundreds of members of KAMMI or the Indonesian Muslim Students Action Front held a rally outside the US Embassy in Jakarta on the eve of Bush's visit to the country on October 21. They burned portraits and effigies of Bush and American flags. Protest actions also took place in the towns of Yogyakarta, Bali, Jember, Palembang, Makassar, Sola and Semarang.

Australia. Bush's speech before parliament was disrupted twice when Sen. Kerry Nettle and another member of parliament heckled him with slogans against the US war on Iraq. Meanwhile, police were unable to prevent about 2,000 people from launching protests outside parliament.


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07 November 2003
English Edition

Oppose the anti-people maneuvers of the reactionaries

The US government has a negative assessment of the Philippine economy
Victorious NPA offensives:
NPA seizes 38 firearms in tactical offensives

Protests rock Hacienda Luisita
Correspondent Reports:
Daba-Daba blazes in Panay

Developments Overseas:
Iraqi guerrilla attacks on US forces intensifying

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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